– Share this Blog and this Blog Posts to your contacts and inform them to do the same and so on, if possible!! #@ I – EU – Internet – Internet Society – World History – Internet History – Probability – World Progress – Age – Ages – Human Longevity & 10/07/2023 -> NO ONE informed me that what I did was illegal (Email list in 2015) when I sent an other e-mail to so much people of the Scientific Community Worldwide and to American and Brazilian Govern that I have sent the email list, informing that I didn’t ask permission to put each e-mail address on the e-mail list.

– 10/07/2023 -> NO ONE informed me that what I did was illegal (Email list in 2015) when I sent an other e-mail to so much people of the Scientific Community Worldwide and to American and Brazilian Govern that I have sent the email list, informing that I didn’t ask permission to put each e-mail address on the e-mail list.

https://epocanegocios.globo.com/mundo/noticia/2023/03/humanos-alcancarao-a-imortalidade-em-oito-anos-afirma-ex-engenheiro-do-google-famoso-por-acertar-previsoes.ghtml ´´Ray Kurzweil acredita que a expansão de pesquisas em genética, nanotecnologia e robótica poderá ajudar as pessoas a enfrentarem doenças que surgem com a idade´´


29/03/2023 10h00  Atualizado há 2 dias

´´The difficulty in concentrating can have both internal causes, such as a mental disorder, and external causes, such as the work environment or cell phone. ” @ ´´A dificuldade para se concentrar pode ter tanto causas internas, como um transtorno da mente, quanto causas externas, como ambiente de trabalho ou celular. ´´

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle @ https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arist%C3%B3teles



Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

– https://www.genome.gov/ www.usa.gov www.nobelprize.org www.forbes.com 

–>> Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics ->The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract . 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2012.04.006. Epub 2012 Jun 8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22683274

– Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-rodrigo-nunes-cal-parte-1 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

– Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-parte-2 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

– Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

GRUPO_AF2 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 1 – Aerobic Physical

 GRUPO_AF1 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 1 – Aerobic Physical Activity 

GRUPO AFAN 2 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 2 – Anaerobic Physical Activity 

GRUPO AFAN 1 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 2 – Anaerobic Physical Activity – National Human Genome Research Institute https://www.genome.gov/

´´At NHGRI, we are focused on advances in genomics research. Building on our leadership role in the initial sequencing of the human genome, we collaborate with the world’s scientific and medical communities to enhance genomic technologies that accelerate breakthroughs and improve lives. By empowering and expanding the field of genomics, we can benefit all of humankind.´´


NHGRI logo

Feedback positivo de pessoas sobre minha dissertação pelo Messenger – Facebook. Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano – Year: 2018

Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano-Year-2018

Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-rodrigo-nunes-cal-parte-1 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-parte-2 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

rodrigonunescal_dissert – ´´my´´ dissertation – Lung Cancer Research in Mice



My suggestion of a very important Project…


Feedback positivo de pessoas sobre minha dissertação pelo Messenger – Facebook. Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano – Year: 2018

rodrigonunescal_dissert – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF2 – my dissertation

GRUPO_AF1 – my dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 2 – my dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 1 – my dissertation


Mestrado – Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics – my dissertation

Avaliação da influência da atividade física aeróbia e anaeróbia na progressão do câncer de pulmão experimental – Summary – Resumo – my dissertation

Slides – mestrado – my dissertation

monografia – my monograph

Textos que digitei – Texts I typed









Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

Genes e Epilepsia



As credenciais da ciência – Mestrado

rodrigonunescal_dissert – my dissertation



–  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

A Psicossomática Psicanalítica

My suggestion of a very important Project…

Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano-Year-2018

Apostila – Pubmed

Frases que digitei – Phrases I typed


DMBA – 7,12Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene


Mestrado – Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics – my dissertation

Avaliação da influência da atividade física aeróbia e anaeróbia na progressão do câncer de pulmão experimental – Summary – Resumo – my dissertation

Slides – mestrado – ´´my´´ dissertation

monografia – ´´my´´ monograph

GRUPO AFAN 1 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 2 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF1 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF2 – ´´my´´ dissertation

https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ president@whitehouse.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov




http://www.cdc.gov http://www.fda.gov http://www.pfizer.com https://www.kth.se/en

http://www.time.com http://www.wikipedia,org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.nih.gov http://www.genome.gov http://www.whitehouse.gov http://www.darpa.mil http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com https://www.gov.br/pt-br https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br http://www.abc.org.br/ https://www.nasonline.org/ https://www.cam.ac.uk/

https://www.ox.ac.uk/ https://ki.se/ http://www.time.com http://www.wikipedia,org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.nih.gov http://www.genome.gov http://www.darpa.mil http://www.whitehouse.gov http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nature.com http://www.nejm.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.nasdaq.com http://www.harvard.edu http://www.ucla.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.nasa.gov http://www.princeton.edu http://www.famerp.br http://www.ita.br http://www.embraer.com http://www.uftm.edu.br http://www.usa.gov https://www.gov.br/pt-br http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br http://www.columbia.edu http://www.nyt.com http://www.wsj.com





https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortality https://www.templeton.org/discoveries/immortality-research






http://www.google.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.youtube.com


https://www.youtube.com/c/NobelPrize http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com

I n t e r n e t – Memory – Time – History – Levels of Influences – Human Mind – Human Life – Life – Vision – Reading – Reading Mind – Probabilities – Different Technologies – Different Influences – Different Imaginations – Images – information – photos – knowledge – Videos – Thoughts – Thinking – Impossible – Possible – Reality – Virtuality – Times – Health – DNA – Human DNA – Cell – Human – Human Cell – Cell Phones – Virtual Life – Real Life – No Internet – 100 – Número(s) – Internet – Listening – Different Interpretations – Speaking – 100 Internet – Sem Internet – 100 – gene – gene – Sem gene(s) – Sem DNA – 0 – 01 – 1 – I – V -X – Computer – Computer History – History of the World – Numbers – Data – Graphics – World Innovation – Future References – Future Citations – Impact Factors – Journals – Scientific Community – Discussion – Researches – Articles – DataBase – 100 – DNA – Animal Cell – Human Cell – Mysteries – No Gene – Person – Other Person – Genetics – Science – People – Types of Communication – Human Longevity #Time #Tempo(s)

https://www.youtube.com/c/NobelPrize http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com





Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015 and sent a positive feedback to me by e-mail. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 e me enviaram um feedback positivo pra mim pelo e-mail.

Nanomedicina –> Texto que redigi. Nanomedicine –> Text I typed

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015 and sent a positive feedback to me by e-mail. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 e me enviaram um feedback positivo pra mim pelo e-mail.

List of people who gave me a positive feedback by e-mail about an excellent, detailed and very extensive e-mail list I did in 2015 from 20 Best Universities of the World. This e-mail list is more related to the Area of Biological Sciences. I sent it to a very big amount of excellent professors, scientists and/or researchers of Brazil and other countries of the world. A summary about this Project (e-mail list) was sent to them too. Very important information about the e-mail list I did in 2015: A little more than 32,000 e-mails of researchers, professors and/or scientists were cataloged by me. It was a very hard work, of course. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project nor with this blog. The sharing of this blog is fundamental to the World Scientific Community and other people worldwide, of course. I sent this e-mail list to many people of the Scientific Community in Brazil and other countries. After a while, I send an other e-mail to so much people like American and Brazilian Govern, informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists I did. Note: To do it, of course, it would be necessary to send an e-mail with the objectives of the e-mail list to each person that I wanted to put the e-mail address in the e-mail list. It would be an extremely hard work, of course, and the e-mail list would be done so much later with the different number of people in the e-mail list because as many people know, each one has your own opinion and thoughts about a subject, for example. And the other hand, I did the e-mail lists in 2022 related to people who are linked to Excellent Research and Teaching Centers of the World without asking permission to each person to I know if I can put the e-mail address in the email lists or not. So, I send e-mail messages to them informing this blog that has a very big amount of relevant information and knowledge like websites, links, YouTube Videos, images, social networks and other types of technologies and and informing a very important note that I don´t earn any money from this blog. I also informed in the e-mail message to them that if she or he no longer wanted to receive my e-mails, he or she just reply me Unsubscribe. Comparing with the total number of e-mails cataloged by me in these new e-mail lists that I made in 2022 (I don’t know the number of e-mail addresses), a few people responded to me Unsubscribe by e-mail. 

It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. 

It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. 

The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure.

My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. 

I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine.

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. 

– This list of people who gave me a positive feedback by e-mail about an excellent, detailed and very extensive e-mail list I did in 2015 from 20 Best Universities of the World. This e-mail list is more related to the Area of ​​Biological Sciences. I sent it to a very big amount of excellent professors, scientists and/or researchers of Brazil and other countries of the world. a summary about this Project (e-mail list) was sent to them too. @ Very important information about the e-mail list I did in 2015 – A little more than 32,000 e-mails of researchers, professors and/or scientists were cataloged manually by me – It was a very hard work @ Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project nor with this blog. The sharing of this blog is fundamental to the World Scientific Community and other people worldwide, of course. I sent the e-mail list to many people of the scientific community in Brazil and other countries. After of it, I send an other e-mail informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists. Note: To do it, of course, it would be necessary to send the e-mail to the person like a professor, for example, and to the each people who I wanted to put in the email list. It would be an extremely hard work, of course, and the email list would be done so much later with the different number of people in the list because as many people know, each one has your own opinion and thoughts about a subject, for example. And the other hand, I did the e-mail lists in 2022 related to people who are linked to Excellent Research and Teaching Centers of the World without asking permission to each person to I know if I can put the e-mail address in the email lists or not. So, I send e-mail messages to them informing this blog that has a very big amount of relevant information and knowledge like websites, links, YouTube Videos, images, social networks and other types of technologies and informing a very important note that is I do not earn any money from this blog. I also informed in the e-mail message that to them if the person no longer wanted to receive my e-mails, the person just reply Unsubscribe. Comparing with the total number of e-mails cataloged by me in these new e-mail lists that I made in 2022 (I don’t know the number of e-mail addresses), a few people responded to me Unsubscribe by e-mail. It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and other people linked to Scientific Community and/or not, depending of the type and objectives of them. It is fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. @ My intentions were and are only help the work of professors, researchers and/or scientists in anyway and other people in different situations. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, of course.

If anyone wants to use the email lists I made in 2022, the person will have to send an e-mail to the following e-mail address and/or e-mail addresses: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov asking if the person can send the e-mail lists or not. As many already know, the Internet originated in the USA and I NEVER want to harm myself with these e-mail lists I did financially nor psychologically for anyone. It was a very difficult work to make it, and it could be very useful for the World Scientific Community in the various sectors of world society. Very important note: I sent yesterday and today (01/07/2023 and 01/08/2023) to these e-mail addresses mentionated above the link of the Google spreadsheet that I have in which the e-mail lists is located and the description of the subject of the e-mail message. These e-mail lists is related to the large number of people directly connected with Excellent Research and Teaching Centers in the World and the description of the subject to the email addresses emails already mentioned above in this post. I don’t want to ever harm myself in any way financially nor otherwise with these email lists I did, as, for example, a professor, researcher and/or scientist being indignant with who made the email lists (in my case) without his permission, even though there is no reason to trigger the Personal Data Protection Act and other Laws related to the matter against another person (other than me) who used the email lists I did causing this person to pay a fine of a certain amount of money. As many people already know, there are very strict laws in the world that involve a lot of fine money on this matter. Very important note: There was a situation where a person didn’t like it al all that I put his email address and after I sent him an email message, asking me to remove his email address immediately from the email list I made, even though I didn’t informed that I made an email list. In all the cases where people asked me to remove their email addresses from my contacts to I do not send email message to them anymore and in the other cases where I sent too emails to other people, I didn’t inform them that I had made an email lists. There were some cases in which some people informed me to remove their email addresses from the email list I made, even though I had not informed them of this, and none of these people wanted to know about the email list I made. Many people have asked me not to send them any more emails (Unsubscribe). Very Important Note: An extensive list of emails I made in 2015 (just over 32,000 registered emails) related to researchers, professors and/or scientists from the 20 Best Universities in the World was sent together with a Project Summary to a large amount of professors, researchers and/or scientists from Brazil and the whole world (I received positive feedback on this from many people who received this email list; there is the name of each one of them in this post) highlighting the importance of having in the world a strong connection between University Departments for more efficient communication between people in various aspects, for example, to improve the work of the people involved and consequently, improve research and scientific projects in the World). It was an extremely difficult job, there were two cases of very competent professors, doctors, scientists and/or researchers in the area who informed me (one informed me the cell phone number by email so that I could call him after he had read the email sent to him containing the email list and the other doctor informed me on his office during a medical consultation that it would be good if you filed a patent on these email lists because the project was very good, however, for financial reasons, I decided not to trigger the patenting process. On this same subject, I received an excellent feedback from the email President@ucop.edu about the email list (Project) I made in 2015, I just don’t know the name of the person who emailed me a while ago, letting me know which would file the project in the UCLA database (University of California at Los Angeles, where the first Internet connection took place; The Internet was created in 1969, in the United States. Called Arpanet, it had the function of interconnecting laboratories That year, a professor at the University of California passed the first e-mail in history to a friend at Stanford. This network belonged to the US Department of Defense). I received a job offer from the UCLA Library via email around this time, but I didn’t want to take any chances. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact I left this list of emails from 2015 on a blog I had durant a time (I don’t remember exactly the time) for anyone to download. Observation: This 2015 mailing list I did was more related to the Biological Sciences Area. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project (2015) nor with my blog. I did not ask permission to each person who I put the e-mail in the e-mail list I did in 2015. So, I informed it to people linked to American and Brazilian govern, many professors, scientists and/or researchers to not cause any problem for me not for anyone years ago. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff.

Observação muito importante: Enviei ontem (07/01/2023) para estes endereços de e-mails chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje (08/01/2023) p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov o link da planilha Google que tenho na qual está a lista de e-mails que fiz em 2022 com o conteúdo da mensagem de e-mail. Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto da mensagem do e-mail para estes endereços de e-mails. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma.

Se alguém quiser usar as listas de e-mails que fiz em 2022, a pessoa terá que enviar e-mail pedindo, se possível, para o(s) seguinte(s) endereço(s) de email(s) chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov enviar a lista de e-mails. Como muitos já sabem, a Internet teve origem nos EUA e NUNCA quero me prejudicar com estas listas de emails financeiramente nem psicologicamente por alguém. Foi um trabalho muito difícil fazê-la, podendo ser muito útil para a Comunidade Científica Mundial nos vários setores da sociedade mundial.

– If anyone wants to use the e-mail lists I did in 2022, the person will have to send e-mail to the following e-mail address and/or e-mail addresses: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov asking if the person can send the e-mail lists or not. As many already know, the Internet originated in the USA and I NEVER want to harm myself with these e-mail lists I did financially nor psychologically for anyone. It was a very difficult work to make it, and it could be very useful for the World Scientific Community in the various sectors of world society. Very important note: I sent yesterday and today (01/07/2023 and 01/08/2023) to these e-mail addresses mentionated above the link of the Google spreadsheet that I have in which the e-mail lists is located and the description of the subject of the e-mail message. These e-mail lists is related to the large number of people directly connected with Excellent Research and Teaching Centers in the World and the description of the subject to the email addresses emails already mentioned above in this post. I don’t want to ever harm myself in any way financially nor otherwise with these email lists I did, as, for example, a professor, researcher and/or scientist being indignant with who made the email lists (in my case) without his permission, even though there is no reason to trigger the Personal Data Protection Act and other Laws related to the matter against another person (other than me) who used the email lists I did causing this person to pay a fine of a certain amount of money. As many people already know, there are very strict laws in the world that involve a lot of fine money on this matter. Very important note: There was a situation where a person didn’t like it al all that I put his email address and after I sent him an email message, asking me to remove his email address immediately from the email list I made, even though I didn’t informed that I made an email list. In all the cases where people asked me to remove their email addresses from my contacts to I do not send email message to them anymore and in the other cases where I sent too emails to other people, I didn’t inform them that I had made an email lists. There were some cases in which some people informed me to remove their email addresses from the email list I made, even though I had not informed them of this, and none of these people wanted to know about the email list I made. Many people have asked me not to send them any more emails (Unsubscribe). Very Important Note: An extensive list of emails I made in 2015 (just over 32,000 registered emails) related to researchers, professors and/or scientists from the 20 Best Universities in the World was sent together with a Project Summary to a large amount of professors, researchers and/or scientists from Brazil and the whole world (I received positive feedback on this from many people who received this email list; there is the name of each one of them in this post) highlighting the importance of having in the world a strong connection between University Departments for more efficient communication between people in various aspects, for example, to improve the work of the people involved and consequently, improve research and scientific projects in the World). It was an extremely difficult job, there were two cases of very competent professors, doctors, scientists and/or researchers in the area who informed me (one informed me the cell phone number by email so that I could call him after he had read the email sent to him containing the email list and the other doctor informed me on his office during a medical consultation that it would be good if you filed a patent on these email lists because the project was very good, however, for financial reasons, I decided not to trigger the patenting process. On this same subject, I received an excellent feedback from the email President@ucop.edu about the email list (Project) I made in 2015, I just don’t know the name of the person who emailed me a while ago, letting me know which would file the project in the UCLA database (University of California at Los Angeles, where the first Internet connection took place; The Internet was created in 1969, in the United States. Called Arpanet, it had the function of interconnecting laboratories That year, a professor at the University of California passed the first e-mail in history to a friend at Stanford. This network belonged to the US Department of Defense). I received a job offer from the UCLA Library via email around this time, but I didn’t want to take any chances. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact I left this list of emails from 2015 on a blog I had durant a time (I don’t remember exactly the time) for anyone to download. Observation: This 2015 mailing list I did was more related to the Biological Sciences Area. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project (2015) nor with my blog. I did not ask permission to each person who I put the e-mail in the e-mail list I did in 2015. So, I informed it to people linked to American and Brazilian govern, many professors, scientists and/or researchers to not cause any problem for me not for anyone years ago. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff. Se alguém quiser usar as listas de e-mails que fiz em 2022, a pessoa terá que enviar e-mail pedindo, se possível, para o(s) seguinte(s) endereço(s) de email(s) enviar a lista de emails. Como muitos já sabem, a Internet teve origem nos EUA e NUNCA quero me prejudicar com estas listas de emails financeiramente nem psicologicamente por alguém. Foi um trabalho muito difícil fazê-la, podendo ser muito útil para a Comunidade Científica Mundial nos vários setores da sociedade mundial. Observação muito importante: Enviei ontem (07/01/2023) para estes endereços de e-mails chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje (08/01/20230) p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov o link da planilha Google que tenho na qual está a lista de e-mails que fiz em 2022. Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto da mensagem do e-mail. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma, como por exemplo, um professor, pesquisador e/ou cientista ficar indignado com quem fez a lista de e-mails (no meu caso) sem a permissão dele, mesmo não havendo motivo para acionar a Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e outras Leis relacionadas ao assunto contra uma outra pessoa (sem ser eu) que usou a lista de e-mails que fiz fazendo com que esta pessoa pague uma multa de um determinada quantia de dinheiro. Como muitas pessoas já sabem, há leis no mundo muito rígidas que envolvem muito dinheiro de multa sobre esse assunto. Observação muito importante: Houve uma situação em que uma pessoa não gostou nem um pouco de eu ter colocado o e-mail dele na lista de e-mails que fiz e depois ter enviado e-mail pra ele, pedindo para eu tirar o e-mail dele imediatamente na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado pra ele que eu fiz uma lista de e-mails. Em todos os casos em que as pessoas me pediram para eu retirar o e-mail deles nos meus contatos para eu não enviar mais e-mail para eles e nos outros casos em que enviei emails para outras pessoas usando a lista que fiz, não informei que eu tinha feito uma lista de e-mails. Teve alguns casos em que algumas pessoas me informaram para eu retirar o nome delas na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado isso pra elas, e nenhuma destas pessoas quiseram saber sobre a lista de e-mails que fiz. Muitas pessoas têm me pedido para eu não enviar mais e-mail (Cancelar Subscrição). Observação Muito Importante: Uma extensa lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 (pouco mais de 32 mil e-mails cadastrados) relacionada à pesquisadores, professores e/ou cientistas das 20 Melhores Universidades do Mundo foi enviada junto com um Resumo do Projeto para uma grande quantidade de professores, pesquisadores e/ou cientistas do Brasil e do Mundo todo (recebi um retorno positivo sobre isso de muitas pessoas que receberam esta lista de e-mail; há o nome de cada uma delas neste post) ressaltando a importância de haver no Mundo uma forte ligação entre os Departamentos das Universidades para uma comunicação mais eficiente entre as pessoas em vários aspectos, por exemplo, para melhorar o trabalho das pessoas envolvidas e consequentemente, melhorar as pesquisas e projetos científicos no Mundo). Foi um trabalho extremamente difícil, houveram dois casos de professores, médicos, cientistas e/ou pesquisadores muito competentes na área que me informaram (um me informou o número de celular por e-mail para eu ligar pra ele após ele ter lido o e-mail enviado à ele contendo a lista de e-mails e o outro médico me informou no seu consultório durante uma consulta médica) que seria bom que fizesse uma patente sobre essas listas de e-mails porque o projeto era muito bom, porém, por questões financeiras, decidi não acionar o processo de patenteamento. Sobre este mesmo assunto, recebi um excelente feedback por parte do e-mail President@ucop.edu sobre a lista (Projeto) que fiz em 2015; só não sei o nome da pessoa que enviou e-mail pra mim há um tempo atrás, informando-me que iria arquivar o projeto no banco de dados da UCLA (Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles, local onde ocorreu a 1ª conexão em rede da Internet; A internet foi criada em 1969, nos Estados Unidos. Chamada de Arpanet, tinha como função interligar laboratórios de pesquisa. Naquele ano, um professor da Universidade da Califórnia passou para um amigo em Stanford o primeiro e-mail da história. Essa rede pertencia ao Departamento de Defesa norte-americano). Recebi por e-mail uma proposta de trabalho por parte da Biblioteca da UCLA (UCLA Library) nessa época, mas não quis me arriscar. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact Deixei por um tempo (não me lembro exatamente o tempo) essa lista de e-mails de 2015 num blog que eu tinha para qualquer um fazer download. Observação: Esta lista de e-mails de 2015 era mais relacionada à Área de Ciências Biológicas. Observação Muito Importante: Não ganhei nenhum dinheiro com este projeto (2015) e nem com meu blog. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff https://chancellor.ucla.edu/contact-us/ https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/leadership https://chancellor.ucla.edu/about/ https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/gsa-leadership-directory?gsaredirect=leadershipdirectory https://www.nih.gov/include-project/contact https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Contact https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto para estes endereços de e-mails: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma, como por exemplo, um professor, pesquisador e/ou cientista ficar indignado com quem fez a lista de e-mails (no meu caso) sem a permissão dele, mesmo não havendo motivo para acionar a Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e outras Leis relacionadas ao assunto contra uma outra pessoa (sem ser eu) que usou a lista de e-mails que fiz fazendo com que esta pessoa pague uma multa de um determinada quantia de dinheiro. Como muitas pessoas já sabem, há leis no mundo muito rígidas que envolvem muito dinheiro de multa sobre esse assunto. Observação muito importante: Houve uma situação em que uma pessoa não gostou nem um pouco de eu ter colocado o e-mail dele na lista de e-mails que fiz e depois ter enviado e-mail pra ele, pedindo para eu tirar o e-mail dele imediatamente na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado pra ele que eu fiz uma lista de e-mails. Em todos os casos em que as pessoas me pediram para eu retirar o e-mail deles nos meus contatos para eu não enviar mais e-mail para eles e nos outros casos em que enviei emails para outras pessoas usando a lista que fiz, não informei que eu tinha feito uma lista de e-mails. Teve alguns casos em que algumas pessoas me informaram para eu retirar o nome delas na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado isso pra elas, e nenhuma destas pessoas quiseram saber sobre a lista de e-mails que fiz. Muitas pessoas têm me pedido para eu não enviar mais e-mail (Cancelar Subscrição). Observação Muito Importante: Uma extensa lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 (pouco mais de 32 mil e-mails cadastrados) relacionada à pesquisadores, professores e/ou cientistas das 20 Melhores Universidades do Mundo foi enviada junto com um Resumo do Projeto para uma grande quantidade de professores, pesquisadores e/ou cientistas do Brasil e do Mundo todo (recebi um retorno positivo sobre isso de muitas pessoas que receberam esta lista de e-mail; há o nome de cada uma delas neste post) ressaltando a importância de haver no Mundo uma forte ligação entre os Departamentos das Universidades para uma comunicação mais eficiente entre as pessoas em vários aspectos, por exemplo, para melhorar o trabalho das pessoas envolvidas e consequentemente, melhorar as pesquisas e projetos científicos no Mundo). Foi um trabalho extremamente difícil, houveram dois casos de professores, médicos, cientistas e/ou pesquisadores muito competentes na área que me informaram (um me informou o número de celular por e-mail para eu ligar pra ele após ele ter lido o e-mail enviado à ele contendo a lista de e-mails e o outro médico me informou no seu consultório durante uma consulta médica) que seria bom que fizesse uma patente sobre essas listas de e-mails porque o projeto era muito bom, porém, por questões financeiras, decidi não acionar o processo de patenteamento. Sobre este mesmo assunto, recebi um excelente feedback por parte do e-mail President@ucop.edu sobre a lista (Projeto) que fiz em 2015; só não sei o nome da pessoa que enviou e-mail pra mim há um tempo atrás, informando-me que iria arquivar o projeto no banco de dados da UCLA (Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles, local onde ocorreu a 1ª conexão em rede da Internet; A internet foi criada em 1969, nos Estados Unidos. Chamada de Arpanet, tinha como função interligar laboratórios de pesquisa. Naquele ano, um professor da Universidade da Califórnia passou para um amigo em Stanford o primeiro e-mail da história. Essa rede pertencia ao Departamento de Defesa norte-americano). Recebi por e-mail uma proposta de trabalho por parte da Biblioteca da UCLA (UCLA Library) nessa época, mas não quis me arriscar. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact Deixei por um tempo (não me lembro exatamente o tempo) essa lista de e-mails de 2015 num blog que eu tinha para qualquer um fazer download. Observação: Esta lista de e-mails de 2015 era mais relacionada à Área de Ciências Biológicas. Observação Muito Importante: Não ganhei nenhum dinheiro com este projeto (2015) e nem com meu blog. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff https://chancellor.ucla.edu/contact-us/ https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/leadership https://chancellor.ucla.edu/about/ https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/gsa-leadership-directory?gsaredirect=leadershipdirectory https://www.nih.gov/include-project/contact https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Contact

Nanomedicina –> Texto que redigi. Nanomedicine –> Text I typed

–  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

Esta imagem possuí um atributo alt vazio; O nome do arquivo é top-graphics.jpg

https://www.tempus.com/ http://www.usa.gov http://www.fda.gov http://www.cdc.gov http://www.nih.gov



http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.famerp.br http://www.uftm.edu.br http://www.ucla.edu http://www.caltech.edu http://www.nasa.gov http://www.usa.gov http://www.fda.gov http://www.cdc.gov http://www.nih.gov http://www.pfizer.com http://www.wordpress.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.instagram.com http://www.facebook.com http://www.facebook.com/scientificblog http://www.twitter.com http://www.linkedin.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.cornell.edu http://www.yale.edu http://www.princeton.edu http://www.duke.edu http://www.cnn.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.columbia.edu

https://www.gatesnotes.com/ https://academic.oup.com/abt/issue?login=false https://chineseantibody.org/about/ http://www.ft.com http://www.reuters.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.instagram.com https://web.whatsapp.com/ http://www.abc.com http://www.nature.com http://www.nejm.com http://www.nobelprize.org https://www.ox.ac.uk/ https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.gov.br/pt-br http://www.usa.gov http://www.whitehouse.gov http://www.famerp.br http://www.ita.br http://www.embraer.com http://www.ufmg.br http://www.ufpr.br http://www.uftm.edu.br http://www.ufrgs.br http://www.wellsfargo.com http://www.nasdaq.com http://www.google.com http://www.worldbank.org http://www.genome.gov http://www.nih.gov http://www.fda.gov http://www.cdc.gov http://www.pfizer.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.darpa.mil http://www.ucla.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.nasa.gov http://www.yale.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu http://www.nyu.edu http://www.caltech.edu http://www.princeton.edu http://www.wordpress.com http://www.stripe.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.exame.com http://www.vivo.com.br http://www.telmex.com https://ki.se/ https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov https://www.nimh.nih.go

http://www.wordpress.com http://www.usa.gov http://www.nature.com http://www.nejm.com http://www.nih.gov 

http://www.fda.gov http://www.cdc.gov http://www.pfizer.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.fbi.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.cnn.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.harvard.edu http://www.ucla.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.google.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com 

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http://www.google.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.youtube.com

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015 and sent a positive feedback to me by e-mail. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 e me enviaram um feedback positivo pra mim pelo e-mail.

e total number of e-mails cataloged by me in these new e-mail lists that I made in 2022 (I don’t know the number of e-mail addresses), a few people responded to me Unsubscribe by e-mail. 

It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. 

It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. 

The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure.

My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. 

I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine.

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. 

Nanomedicina –> Texto que redigi. Nanomedicine –> Text I typed

–  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

"Servir à humanidade, de forma ampla ou individual, é a maior realização da vida"

My Lattes Curriculum: 

– ´´The prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment methods of diseases need to improve so much faster by very efficient scientific research and projects. Unfortunately there are unknown diseases, fatal diseases, rare diseases and other diseases. There´re a lack of total or partial understanding of them. The world needs to have very efficient and detailed scientific research and projects resulting in new drugs, vaccines, medical devices, therapeutic substances and other types of technologies to help people live better and longer, more and more. The age of the humans, animals and the genetics, physiology, biochemistry related to them influence directly in determined ways in human expectancy of life´´. Rodrigo Nunes Cal

My Facebook Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/scientificblog

My Facebook Group – Science, Technology and Innovation – Worldhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/3113978155498111

https://www.youtube.com/c/NobelPrize http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com


– Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics -> The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract . 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22683274

























Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

– https://www.genome.gov/ www.usa.gov www.nobelprize.org www.forbes.com 

–>> Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics ->The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract . 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2012.04.006. Epub 2012 Jun 8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22683274

– Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-rodrigo-nunes-cal-parte-1 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

– Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-parte-2 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

– Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

GRUPO_AF2 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 1 – Aerobic Physical

 GRUPO_AF1 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 1 – Aerobic Physical Activity 

GRUPO AFAN 2 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 2 – Anaerobic Physical Activity 

GRUPO AFAN 1 – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Study Group 2 – Anaerobic Physical Activity – National Human Genome Research Institute https://www.genome.gov/

´´At NHGRI, we are focused on advances in genomics research. Building on our leadership role in the initial sequencing of the human genome, we collaborate with the world’s scientific and medical communities to enhance genomic technologies that accelerate breakthroughs and improve lives. By empowering and expanding the field of genomics, we can benefit all of humankind.´´


NHGRI logo

Feedback positivo de pessoas sobre minha dissertação pelo Messenger – Facebook. Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano – Year: 2018

Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano-Year-2018

Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-rodrigo-nunes-cal-parte-1 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

Informacoes-relevantes-relacionadas-a-leitura-de-livros-e-seus-aspectos-interligados-no-ambiente-escolar-parte-2 @ Relevant-information-related-book-reading-and-its-interconnected-aspects-in-the-school-environment – Very important links to download eBooks for free – Links muito importantes para baixar e-Books gratuitamente

rodrigonunescal_dissert – ´´my´´ dissertation – Lung Cancer Research in Mice



My suggestion of a very important Project…


Feedback positivo de pessoas sobre minha dissertação pelo Messenger – Facebook. Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano – Year: 2018

rodrigonunescal_dissert – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF2 – my dissertation

GRUPO_AF1 – my dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 2 – my dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 1 – my dissertation


Mestrado – Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics – my dissertation

Avaliação da influência da atividade física aeróbia e anaeróbia na progressão do câncer de pulmão experimental – Summary – Resumo – my dissertation

Slides – mestrado – my dissertation

monografia – my monograph

Textos que digitei – Texts I typed









Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

Genes e Epilepsia



As credenciais da ciência – Mestrado

rodrigonunescal_dissert – my dissertation



–  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

A Psicossomática Psicanalítica

My suggestion of a very important Project…

Positive feedback of people about my dissertation, blog and YouTube channel by Facebook – Messenger. Ano-Year-2018

Apostila – Pubmed

Frases que digitei – Phrases I typed


DMBA – 7,12Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene


Mestrado – Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics – my dissertation

Avaliação da influência da atividade física aeróbia e anaeróbia na progressão do câncer de pulmão experimental – Summary – Resumo – my dissertation

Slides – mestrado – ´´my´´ dissertation

monografia – ´´my´´ monograph

GRUPO AFAN 1 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO AFAN 2 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF1 – ´´my´´ dissertation

GRUPO_AF2 – ´´my´´ dissertation

https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ president@whitehouse.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov




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Época Negócios / Mundo 




Humanos alcançarão a imortalidade em oito anos, afirma ex-engenheiro do Google famoso por acertar previsões

Ray Kurzweil acredita que a expansão de pesquisas em genética, nanotecnologia e robótica poderá ajudar as pessoas a enfrentarem doenças que surgem com a idade


29/03/2023 10h00  Atualizado há 2 dias

Para Ray Kurzweil, humanidade pode atingir imortalidade em até 8 anos  — Foto: Getty Images

Para Ray Kurzweil, humanidade pode atingir imortalidade em até 8 anos — Foto: Getty Images

Ray Kurzweil, ex-engenheiro do Google conhecido por acertar suas previsões sobre o futuro, afirmou que os seres humanos vão alcançar a imortalidade em oito anos. Em uma entrevista para um canal do YouTube, o especialista disse acreditar que a expansão de pesquisas em genética, nanotecnologia e robótica poderá ajudar as pessoas a enfrentarem doenças que surgem com a idade.


Segundo Kurzweil, robôs em tamanho microscópico serão capazes de reparar células e tecidos danificados que se deterioram à medida que o corpo envelhece, tornando os seres humanos imunes a doenças como o câncer, por exemplo. A fala do pesquisador foi recebida com entusiasmo e ceticismo, destaca o Daily Mail, já que é pouco provável que todas as doenças que causam mortes sejam erradicadas até 2031.

Kurzweil foi contratado pelo Google em 2012 para trabalhar em projetos envolvendo aprendizado de máquina, mas já fazia previsões sobre avanços tecnológicos há alguns anos. Cerca de 86% de todas as suas 147 previsões foram corretas.

Em 1990, por exemplo, ele previu que o melhor jogador de xadrez do mundo perderia para um computador em 2000, e isso aconteceu em 1997, quando o Deep Blue derrotou Gary Kasparov.

Kurzweil fez outra previsão surpreendente em 1999: ele disse que até 2023 um laptop de US$ 1.000 teria o poder de computação e a capacidade de armazenamento de um cérebro humano.

Habilidades humanas serão aprimoradas

Agora, o ex-engenheiro do Google acredita que a tecnologia está prestes a se tornar tão poderosa que ajudará os humanos a viver para sempre. Ele também disse que as máquinas já estão tornando os seres humanos mais inteligentes e conectá-las ao neocórtex cerebral ajudará as pessoas a pensar de maneira mais inteligente.

Ao contrário dos temores de alguns, ele acredita que a implantação de computadores em nossos cérebros vai melhorar a experiência e as habilidades humanas. “Vamos ser mais engraçados, vamos ser melhores na música. Nós vamos ser mais sexy”, disse ele.

Em vez de uma visão do futuro em que as máquinas dominarão a humanidade, Kurzweil acredita que criaremos uma síntese homem-máquina que nos tornará melhores. “Seremos capazes de atender às necessidades físicas de todos os humanos. Vamos expandir nossas mentes”, afirma.

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Peixe é filmado a recorde de 8,3 mil metros de profundidade no Japão

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Revista digital


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