-> List of people who gave me a positive feedback by e-mail about an excellent, detailed and very extensive e-mail list I did in 2015 from 20 Best Universities of the World. This e-mail list is more related to the Area of Biological Sciences. I sent it to a very big amount of excellent professors, scientists and/or researchers of Brazil and other countries of the world. A summary about this Project (e-mail list) was sent to them too. Very important information about the e-mail list I did in 2015: A little more than 32,000 e-mails of researchers, professors and/or scientists were cataloged by me. It was a very hard work, of course. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project nor with this blog. The sharing of this blog is fundamental to the World Scientific Community and other people worldwide, of course. I sent this e-mail list to many people of the Scientific Community in Brazil and other countries. After a while, I send an other e-mail to so much people of the Scientific Community and to American and Brazilian Govern, informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists I did. No one informed me that what I did was illegal. Note: To do it, of course, it would be necessary to send an e-mail with the objectives of the e-mail list to each person that I wanted to put the e-mail address in the e-mail list. It would be an extremely hard work, of course, and the e-mail list would be done so much later with the different number of people in the e-mail list because as many people know, each one has your own opinion and thoughts about a subject, for example. And the other hand, I did the e-mail lists in 2022 related to people who are linked to Excellent Research and Teaching Centers of the World without asking permission to each person to I know if I can put the e-mail address in the email lists or not. So, I send e-mail messages to them informing this blog that has a very big amount of relevant information and knowledge like websites, links, YouTube Videos, images, social networks and other types of technologies and and informing a very important note that I don´t earn any money from this blog. I also informed in the e-mail message to them that if she or he no longer wanted to receive my e-mails, he or she just reply me Unsubscribe. Comparing with the total number of e-mails cataloged by me in these new e-mail lists that I made in 2022 (I don’t know the number of e-mail addresses), a few people responded to me Unsubscribe by e-mail. It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure. My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine. A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. @ www.time.com www.wikipedia,org www.wordpress.com www.nih.gov www.genome.gov www.darpa.mil www.whitehouse.gov www.nobelprize.org www.nature.com www.nejm.com www.gmail.com www.yahoo.com www.google.com www.youtube.com www.cnn.com www.bbc.com www.bloomberg.com www.nasdaq.com www.harvard.edu www.ucla.edu www.stanford.edu www.nasa.gov www.princeton.edu www.famerp.br www.ita.br www.embraer.com www.uftm.edu.br www.usa.gov https://www.gov.br/pt-br www.cia.gov www.fbi.gov https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br www.columbia.edu www.nyt.com www.wsj.com www.reuters.com www.ft.com www.bloomberg.com www.bbc.com www.cnn.com www.abc.com http://www.abc.org.br/ https://nasonline.org www.wellsfargo.com www.worldbank.gov www.twitter.com www.facebook.com www.linkedin.com www.facebook.com/scientificblog https://www.cam.ac.uk https://www.ox/ac/uk https://ki/se www.yale.edu www.cornell.edu www.caltech.edu www.spacex.com www.tesla.com www.amazon.com www.alibaba.com www.amazon.com www.cdc.gov www.fda.gov www.pfizer.com https://www.kth.se/en @ For a better world always in all ways! Por um mundo sempre melhor de todas as formas! @ #probabilities #person #people #lives #age #ages #life #countries #cities #city #country #internet # NO ONE informed me that what I did was illegal (Email list in 2015) when I sent an other e-mail to so much people of the Scientific Community Worldwide and to American and Brazilian Govern, informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail adress on the e-mail list. (10/07/2023)

NO ONE informed me that what I did was illegal (Email list in 2015) when I sent an other e-mail to so much people of the Scientific Community Worldwide and to American and Brazilian Govern, informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail adress on the e-mail list. (10/07/2023)

For a better world always in all ways! Por um mundo sempre melhor de todas as formas! @ #probabilities #person #people #lives #age #ages #life #countries #cities #city #country #internet

Observação muito importante: Não fui eu quem disponibilizou a lista de e-mail que criei em 2015 para qualquer pessoa acessar na Internet em um link que já especifiquei para autoridades governamentais e policiais dos EUA pelo LinkedIn e Facebook (já mencionei esse assunto na minha conta de e-mail). No meu blog há detalhes sobre esta lista de e-mail que se refere a pesquisadores, cientistas e/ou cientistas do mundo que trabalharam (trabalham) nas 20 melhores Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa do Mundo em 2015. Recebi muitos feedbacks positivos de excelentes profissionais da área de pesquisa e ensino que estão no post do meu blog, onde há explicações sobre os fatos envolvidos neste projeto, que foi enviado em formato PDF para cada um deles. A Comunidade Científica Mundial precisa obviamente de muito mais recursos de vários tipos para melhorar ainda mais os projetos científicos e a investigação, a fim de aumentar ainda mais a esperança de vida humana.

Very important note: I was not the one who made the email list I created in 2015 available for anyone to access on the Internet in a link I have already specified to US government and law enforcement authorities via LinkedIn and Facebook (I have already mentioned this subject in my email account). email). On my blog there are details about this email list that refers to researchers, scientists and/or scientists in the world who worked (work) in the 20 best Teaching and Research Institutions in the World in 2015. I received a lot of positive feedback from excellent professionals from the area of ​​research and teaching that are in my blog post, where there are explanations about the facts involved in this project, which was sent in PDF format to each of them. The World Scientific Community obviously needs many more resources of various types to further improve scientific projects and research in order to further increase human life expectancy.

http://www.cdc.gov http://www.fda.gov http://www.pfizer.com https://www.kth.se/en

http://www.time.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.nih.gov http://www.genome.gov http://www.whitehouse.gov http://www.darpa.mil http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com https://www.gov.br/pt-br https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br http://www.abc.org.br/ https://www.nasonline.org/ https://www.cam.ac.uk/

https://www.ox.ac.uk/ https://ki.se/ http://www.time.com http://www.wikipedia,org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.nih.gov http://www.genome.gov http://www.darpa.mil http://www.whitehouse.gov http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nature.com http://www.nejm.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.nasdaq.com http://www.harvard.edu http://www.ucla.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.nasa.gov http://www.princeton.edu http://www.famerp.br http://www.ita.br http://www.embraer.com http://www.uftm.edu.br http://www.usa.gov https://www.gov.br/pt-br http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov https://www.gov.br/pf/pt-br http://www.columbia.edu http://www.nyt.com http://www.wsj.com http://www.reuters.com http://www.ft.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.abc.com http://www.abc.org.br/ https://nasonline.org http://www.wellsfargo.com http://www.worldbank.gov http://www.twitter.com http://www.facebook.com http://www.linkedin.com http://www.facebook.com/scientificblog https://www.cam.ac.uk https://www.ox/ac/uk https://ki/se http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.caltech.edu http://www.spacex.com http://www.tesla.com http://www.amazon.com http://www.alibaba.com http://www.amazon.com

It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. 

It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. 

The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure.

My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. 

I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine.

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. 

It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. 

It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. 

The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure.

My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. 

I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine.

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. 




Nanomedicina –> Texto que redigi. Nanomedicine –> Text I typed

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015 and sent a positive feedback to me by e-mail. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 e me enviaram um feedback positivo pra mim pelo e-mail.

List of people who gave me a positive feedback by e-mail about an excellent, detailed and very extensive e-mail list I did in 2015 from 20 Best Universities of the World. This e-mail list is more related to the Area of Biological Sciences. I sent it to a very big amount of excellent professors, scientists and/or researchers of Brazil and other countries of the world. A summary about this Project (e-mail list) was sent to them too. Very important information about the e-mail list I did in 2015: A little more than 32,000 e-mails of researchers, professors and/or scientists were cataloged by me. It was a very hard work, of course. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project nor with this blog. The sharing of this blog is fundamental to the World Scientific Community and other people worldwide, of course. I sent this e-mail list to many people of the Scientific Community in Brazil and other countries. After a while, I send an other e-mail to so much people like American and Brazilian Govern, informing that I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists I did. Note: To do it, of course, it would be necessary to send an e-mail with the objectives of the e-mail list to each person that I wanted to put the e-mail address in the e-mail list. It would be an extremely hard work, of course, and the e-mail list would be done so much later with the different number of people in the e-mail list because as many people know, each one has your own opinion and thoughts about a subject, for example. And the other hand, I did the e-mail lists in 2022 related to people who are linked to Excellent Research and Teaching Centers of the World without asking permission to each person to I know if I can put the e-mail address in the email lists or not. So, I send e-mail messages to them informing this blog that has a very big amount of relevant information and knowledge like websites, links, YouTube Videos, images, social networks and other types of technologies and and informing a very important note that I don´t earn any money from this blog. I also informed in the e-mail message to them that if she or he no longer wanted to receive my e-mails, he or she just reply me Unsubscribe. Comparing with the total number of e-mails cataloged by me in these new e-mail lists that I made in 2022 (I don’t know the number of e-mail addresses), a few people responded to me Unsubscribe by e-mail. 

It is very important the people worldwide live better and longer, more and more, by very efficient scientific researches and projects, resulting in new ideas to humanity like new platforms and websites to professors, students, researchers and/or scientists and/or other people worldwide, depending of the type and objectives of the inventions. 

It´s fundamental the invention of new vaccines, drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and other types of prevention, diagnostic, prognostic and treatment methods. Unfortunately there are so much diseases and there are the rare diseases, unknown diseases and fatal diseases. The Scientific Discoveries is extremely important to the world people, for sure. 

The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world in different aspects. However, projects on this subject will always be fundamental for national and global progress, for sure.

My intentions to do this e-mail list in 2015 and for sending it to many professors, scientists and/or researchers worldwide were and are always to contribute significantly to world progress, helping their work in anyway, in different situations, for example, to share ideas, research evidence, experiences and skills, not falling under data protection laws and fines, of course. Therefore, hitting the same key, coming back on the same subject, as many people know, the interactions among Academic Departments in different countries are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. It is very important the creation of very efficient platforms and websites to people who are linked to the Scientific Community, for sure. 

I NEVER want to harm myself either financially and/or psychologically with this e-mail list I made in 2015. For example, a professor may not or would not like an e-mail sent to him by a person with whom I sent the e-mail list that I did in 2015 even not falling under Laws that are linked to the protection of data and fine.

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos de Centros de Pesquisa é muito importante, inclusive os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas mais diversas partes do mundo nos seus diferentes aspectos. Contudo, projetos sobre este assunto sempre serão fundamentais para o progresso nacional e mundial. 

If anyone wants to use the email lists I made in 2022, the person will have to send an e-mail to the following e-mail address and/or e-mail addresses: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov asking if the person can send the e-mail lists or not. As many already know, the Internet originated in the USA and I NEVER want to harm myself with these e-mail lists I did financially nor psychologically for anyone. It was a very difficult work to make it, and it could be very useful for the World Scientific Community in the various sectors of world society. Very important note: I sent yesterday and today (01/07/2023 and 01/08/2023) to these e-mail addresses mentionated above the link of the Google spreadsheet that I have in which the e-mail lists is located and the description of the subject of the e-mail message. These e-mail lists is related to the large number of people directly connected with Excellent Research and Teaching Centers in the World and the description of the subject to the email addresses emails already mentioned above in this post. I don’t want to ever harm myself in any way financially nor otherwise with these email lists I did, as, for example, a professor, researcher and/or scientist being indignant with who made the email lists (in my case) without his permission, even though there is no reason to trigger the Personal Data Protection Act and other Laws related to the matter against another person (other than me) who used the email lists I did causing this person to pay a fine of a certain amount of money. As many people already know, there are very strict laws in the world that involve a lot of fine money on this matter. Very important note: There was a situation where a person didn’t like it al all that I put his email address and after I sent him an email message, asking me to remove his email address immediately from the email list I made, even though I didn’t informed that I made an email list. In all the cases where people asked me to remove their email addresses from my contacts to I do not send email message to them anymore and in the other cases where I sent too emails to other people, I didn’t inform them that I had made an email lists. There were some cases in which some people informed me to remove their email addresses from the email list I made, even though I had not informed them of this, and none of these people wanted to know about the email list I made. Many people have asked me not to send them any more emails (Unsubscribe). Very Important Note: An extensive list of emails I made in 2015 (just over 32,000 registered emails) related to researchers, professors and/or scientists from the 20 Best Universities in the World was sent together with a Project Summary to a large amount of professors, researchers and/or scientists from Brazil and the whole world (I received positive feedback on this from many people who received this email list; there is the name of each one of them in this post) highlighting the importance of having in the world a strong connection between University Departments for more efficient communication between people in various aspects, for example, to improve the work of the people involved and consequently, improve research and scientific projects in the World). It was an extremely difficult job, there were two cases of very competent professors, doctors, scientists and/or researchers in the area who informed me (one informed me the cell phone number by email so that I could call him after he had read the email sent to him containing the email list and the other doctor informed me on his office during a medical consultation that it would be good if you filed a patent on these email lists because the project was very good, however, for financial reasons, I decided not to trigger the patenting process. On this same subject, I received an excellent feedback from the email President@ucop.edu about the email list (Project) I made in 2015, I just don’t know the name of the person who emailed me a while ago, letting me know which would file the project in the UCLA database (University of California at Los Angeles, where the first Internet connection took place; The Internet was created in 1969, in the United States. Called Arpanet, it had the function of interconnecting laboratories That year, a professor at the University of California passed the first e-mail in history to a friend at Stanford. This network belonged to the US Department of Defense). I received a job offer from the UCLA Library via email around this time, but I didn’t want to take any chances. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact I left this list of emails from 2015 on a blog I had durant a time (I don’t remember exactly the time) for anyone to download. Observation: This 2015 mailing list I did was more related to the Biological Sciences Area. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project (2015) nor with my blog. I did not ask permission to each person who I put the e-mail in the e-mail list I did in 2015. So, I informed it to people linked to American and Brazilian govern, many professors, scientists and/or researchers to not cause any problem for me not for anyone years ago. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu

A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff.

Observação muito importante: Enviei ontem (07/01/2023) para estes endereços de e-mails chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje (08/01/2023) p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov o link da planilha Google que tenho na qual está a lista de e-mails que fiz em 2022 com o conteúdo da mensagem de e-mail. Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto da mensagem do e-mail para estes endereços de e-mails. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma.

Se alguém quiser usar as listas de e-mails que fiz em 2022, a pessoa terá que enviar e-mail pedindo, se possível, para o(s) seguinte(s) endereço(s) de email(s) chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov enviar a lista de e-mails. Como muitos já sabem, a Internet teve origem nos EUA e NUNCA quero me prejudicar com estas listas de emails financeiramente nem psicologicamente por alguém. Foi um trabalho muito difícil fazê-la, podendo ser muito útil para a Comunidade Científica Mundial nos vários setores da sociedade mundial.

If anyone wants to use the e-mail lists I did in 2022, the person will have to send e-mail to the following e-mail address and/or e-mail addresses: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov asking if the person can send the e-mail lists or not. As many already know, the Internet originated in the USA and I NEVER want to harm myself with these e-mail lists I did financially nor psychologically for anyone. It was a very difficult work to make it, and it could be very useful for the World Scientific Community in the various sectors of world society. Very important note: I sent yesterday and today (01/07/2023 and 01/08/2023) to these e-mail addresses mentionated above the link of the Google spreadsheet that I have in which the e-mail lists is located and the description of the subject of the e-mail message. These e-mail lists is related to the large number of people directly connected with Excellent Research and Teaching Centers in the World and the description of the subject to the email addresses emails already mentioned above in this post. I don’t want to ever harm myself in any way financially nor otherwise with these email lists I did, as, for example, a professor, researcher and/or scientist being indignant with who made the email lists (in my case) without his permission, even though there is no reason to trigger the Personal Data Protection Act and other Laws related to the matter against another person (other than me) who used the email lists I did causing this person to pay a fine of a certain amount of money. As many people already know, there are very strict laws in the world that involve a lot of fine money on this matter. Very important note: There was a situation where a person didn’t like it al all that I put his email address and after I sent him an email message, asking me to remove his email address immediately from the email list I made, even though I didn’t informed that I made an email list. In all the cases where people asked me to remove their email addresses from my contacts to I do not send email message to them anymore and in the other cases where I sent too emails to other people, I didn’t inform them that I had made an email lists. There were some cases in which some people informed me to remove their email addresses from the email list I made, even though I had not informed them of this, and none of these people wanted to know about the email list I made. Many people have asked me not to send them any more emails (Unsubscribe). Very Important Note: An extensive list of emails I made in 2015 (just over 32,000 registered emails) related to researchers, professors and/or scientists from the 20 Best Universities in the World was sent together with a Project Summary to a large amount of professors, researchers and/or scientists from Brazil and the whole world (I received positive feedback on this from many people who received this email list; there is the name of each one of them in this post) highlighting the importance of having in the world a strong connection between University Departments for more efficient communication between people in various aspects, for example, to improve the work of the people involved and consequently, improve research and scientific projects in the World). It was an extremely difficult job, there were two cases of very competent professors, doctors, scientists and/or researchers in the area who informed me (one informed me the cell phone number by email so that I could call him after he had read the email sent to him containing the email list and the other doctor informed me on his office during a medical consultation that it would be good if you filed a patent on these email lists because the project was very good, however, for financial reasons, I decided not to trigger the patenting process. On this same subject, I received an excellent feedback from the email President@ucop.edu about the email list (Project) I made in 2015, I just don’t know the name of the person who emailed me a while ago, letting me know which would file the project in the UCLA database (University of California at Los Angeles, where the first Internet connection took place; The Internet was created in 1969, in the United States. Called Arpanet, it had the function of interconnecting laboratories That year, a professor at the University of California passed the first e-mail in history to a friend at Stanford. This network belonged to the US Department of Defense). I received a job offer from the UCLA Library via email around this time, but I didn’t want to take any chances. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact I left this list of emails from 2015 on a blog I had durant a time (I don’t remember exactly the time) for anyone to download. Observation: This 2015 mailing list I did was more related to the Biological Sciences Area. Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project (2015) nor with my blog. I did not ask permission to each person who I put the e-mail in the e-mail list I did in 2015. So, I informed it to people linked to American and Brazilian govern, many professors, scientists and/or researchers to not cause any problem for me not for anyone years ago. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov go.usa.gov@gsa.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff. Se alguém quiser usar as listas de e-mails que fiz em 2022, a pessoa terá que enviar e-mail pedindo, se possível, para o(s) seguinte(s) endereço(s) de email(s) enviar a lista de emails. Como muitos já sabem, a Internet teve origem nos EUA e NUNCA quero me prejudicar com estas listas de emails financeiramente nem psicologicamente por alguém. Foi um trabalho muito difícil fazê-la, podendo ser muito útil para a Comunidade Científica Mundial nos vários setores da sociedade mundial. Observação muito importante: Enviei ontem (07/01/2023) para estes endereços de e-mails chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov e hoje (08/01/20230) p/ vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov o link da planilha Google que tenho na qual está a lista de e-mails que fiz em 2022. Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto da mensagem do e-mail. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma, como por exemplo, um professor, pesquisador e/ou cientista ficar indignado com quem fez a lista de e-mails (no meu caso) sem a permissão dele, mesmo não havendo motivo para acionar a Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e outras Leis relacionadas ao assunto contra uma outra pessoa (sem ser eu) que usou a lista de e-mails que fiz fazendo com que esta pessoa pague uma multa de um determinada quantia de dinheiro. Como muitas pessoas já sabem, há leis no mundo muito rígidas que envolvem muito dinheiro de multa sobre esse assunto. Observação muito importante: Houve uma situação em que uma pessoa não gostou nem um pouco de eu ter colocado o e-mail dele na lista de e-mails que fiz e depois ter enviado e-mail pra ele, pedindo para eu tirar o e-mail dele imediatamente na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado pra ele que eu fiz uma lista de e-mails. Em todos os casos em que as pessoas me pediram para eu retirar o e-mail deles nos meus contatos para eu não enviar mais e-mail para eles e nos outros casos em que enviei emails para outras pessoas usando a lista que fiz, não informei que eu tinha feito uma lista de e-mails. Teve alguns casos em que algumas pessoas me informaram para eu retirar o nome delas na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado isso pra elas, e nenhuma destas pessoas quiseram saber sobre a lista de e-mails que fiz. Muitas pessoas têm me pedido para eu não enviar mais e-mail (Cancelar Subscrição). Observação Muito Importante: Uma extensa lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 (pouco mais de 32 mil e-mails cadastrados) relacionada à pesquisadores, professores e/ou cientistas das 20 Melhores Universidades do Mundo foi enviada junto com um Resumo do Projeto para uma grande quantidade de professores, pesquisadores e/ou cientistas do Brasil e do Mundo todo (recebi um retorno positivo sobre isso de muitas pessoas que receberam esta lista de e-mail; há o nome de cada uma delas neste post) ressaltando a importância de haver no Mundo uma forte ligação entre os Departamentos das Universidades para uma comunicação mais eficiente entre as pessoas em vários aspectos, por exemplo, para melhorar o trabalho das pessoas envolvidas e consequentemente, melhorar as pesquisas e projetos científicos no Mundo). Foi um trabalho extremamente difícil, houveram dois casos de professores, médicos, cientistas e/ou pesquisadores muito competentes na área que me informaram (um me informou o número de celular por e-mail para eu ligar pra ele após ele ter lido o e-mail enviado à ele contendo a lista de e-mails e o outro médico me informou no seu consultório durante uma consulta médica) que seria bom que fizesse uma patente sobre essas listas de e-mails porque o projeto era muito bom, porém, por questões financeiras, decidi não acionar o processo de patenteamento. Sobre este mesmo assunto, recebi um excelente feedback por parte do e-mail President@ucop.edu sobre a lista (Projeto) que fiz em 2015; só não sei o nome da pessoa que enviou e-mail pra mim há um tempo atrás, informando-me que iria arquivar o projeto no banco de dados da UCLA (Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles, local onde ocorreu a 1ª conexão em rede da Internet; A internet foi criada em 1969, nos Estados Unidos. Chamada de Arpanet, tinha como função interligar laboratórios de pesquisa. Naquele ano, um professor da Universidade da Califórnia passou para um amigo em Stanford o primeiro e-mail da história. Essa rede pertencia ao Departamento de Defesa norte-americano). Recebi por e-mail uma proposta de trabalho por parte da Biblioteca da UCLA (UCLA Library) nessa época, mas não quis me arriscar. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact Deixei por um tempo (não me lembro exatamente o tempo) essa lista de e-mails de 2015 num blog que eu tinha para qualquer um fazer download. Observação: Esta lista de e-mails de 2015 era mais relacionada à Área de Ciências Biológicas. Observação Muito Importante: Não ganhei nenhum dinheiro com este projeto (2015) e nem com meu blog. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff https://chancellor.ucla.edu/contact-us/ https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/leadership https://chancellor.ucla.edu/about/ https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/gsa-leadership-directory?gsaredirect=leadershipdirectory https://www.nih.gov/include-project/contact https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Contact https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ Esta lista de e-mails está relacionada à grande quantidade de pessoas ligadas diretamente com Excelentes Centros de Pesquisa e Ensino do Mundo e a descrição do assunto para estes endereços de e-mails: chancellor@ucla.edu president@whitehouse.gov vice_president@whitehouse.gov president@ucop.edu go.usa.gov@gsa.gov nimhinfo@nih.gov nhgripressoffice@mail.nih.gov vice.president@whitehouse.gov comments@whitehouse.gov. NÃO quero me prejudicar JAMAIS em NENHUM aspecto financeiramente nem de outra forma, como por exemplo, um professor, pesquisador e/ou cientista ficar indignado com quem fez a lista de e-mails (no meu caso) sem a permissão dele, mesmo não havendo motivo para acionar a Lei de Proteção de Dados Pessoais e outras Leis relacionadas ao assunto contra uma outra pessoa (sem ser eu) que usou a lista de e-mails que fiz fazendo com que esta pessoa pague uma multa de um determinada quantia de dinheiro. Como muitas pessoas já sabem, há leis no mundo muito rígidas que envolvem muito dinheiro de multa sobre esse assunto. Observação muito importante: Houve uma situação em que uma pessoa não gostou nem um pouco de eu ter colocado o e-mail dele na lista de e-mails que fiz e depois ter enviado e-mail pra ele, pedindo para eu tirar o e-mail dele imediatamente na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado pra ele que eu fiz uma lista de e-mails. Em todos os casos em que as pessoas me pediram para eu retirar o e-mail deles nos meus contatos para eu não enviar mais e-mail para eles e nos outros casos em que enviei emails para outras pessoas usando a lista que fiz, não informei que eu tinha feito uma lista de e-mails. Teve alguns casos em que algumas pessoas me informaram para eu retirar o nome delas na lista de e-mails que fiz, mesmo eu não ter informado isso pra elas, e nenhuma destas pessoas quiseram saber sobre a lista de e-mails que fiz. Muitas pessoas têm me pedido para eu não enviar mais e-mail (Cancelar Subscrição). Observação Muito Importante: Uma extensa lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015 (pouco mais de 32 mil e-mails cadastrados) relacionada à pesquisadores, professores e/ou cientistas das 20 Melhores Universidades do Mundo foi enviada junto com um Resumo do Projeto para uma grande quantidade de professores, pesquisadores e/ou cientistas do Brasil e do Mundo todo (recebi um retorno positivo sobre isso de muitas pessoas que receberam esta lista de e-mail; há o nome de cada uma delas neste post) ressaltando a importância de haver no Mundo uma forte ligação entre os Departamentos das Universidades para uma comunicação mais eficiente entre as pessoas em vários aspectos, por exemplo, para melhorar o trabalho das pessoas envolvidas e consequentemente, melhorar as pesquisas e projetos científicos no Mundo). Foi um trabalho extremamente difícil, houveram dois casos de professores, médicos, cientistas e/ou pesquisadores muito competentes na área que me informaram (um me informou o número de celular por e-mail para eu ligar pra ele após ele ter lido o e-mail enviado à ele contendo a lista de e-mails e o outro médico me informou no seu consultório durante uma consulta médica) que seria bom que fizesse uma patente sobre essas listas de e-mails porque o projeto era muito bom, porém, por questões financeiras, decidi não acionar o processo de patenteamento. Sobre este mesmo assunto, recebi um excelente feedback por parte do e-mail President@ucop.edu sobre a lista (Projeto) que fiz em 2015; só não sei o nome da pessoa que enviou e-mail pra mim há um tempo atrás, informando-me que iria arquivar o projeto no banco de dados da UCLA (Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles, local onde ocorreu a 1ª conexão em rede da Internet; A internet foi criada em 1969, nos Estados Unidos. Chamada de Arpanet, tinha como função interligar laboratórios de pesquisa. Naquele ano, um professor da Universidade da Califórnia passou para um amigo em Stanford o primeiro e-mail da história. Essa rede pertencia ao Departamento de Defesa norte-americano). Recebi por e-mail uma proposta de trabalho por parte da Biblioteca da UCLA (UCLA Library) nessa época, mas não quis me arriscar. http://www.library.ucla.edu/contact Deixei por um tempo (não me lembro exatamente o tempo) essa lista de e-mails de 2015 num blog que eu tinha para qualquer um fazer download. Observação: Esta lista de e-mails de 2015 era mais relacionada à Área de Ciências Biológicas. Observação Muito Importante: Não ganhei nenhum dinheiro com este projeto (2015) e nem com meu blog. @ https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ https://go.usa.gov/contactus president@whitehouse.gov #Team #laws #Possibilities #supositions #suposições #ManyProbabilies #SoMuchMoney #MuitasProbabilidades #Facts #Fatos #MuitoDinheiro #EmailLists #feelings #actions #questions #sources #fontes #origin #Origem #Reading #leitura #EmailMessage #MensagemNoEmail #Internet #decisions #FastActionByEmail #City #Country #researchers #professors #scientists #students #govern #USA #CIA #FBI #VeryHardWork #WorldHistory #InternetHistory #pionners #contributions #lives #pionner #information #knowledge #article #articles #journals #television #radio #Internet #magazines #researches #ideas #energy #cell #DNA #websites #blogs #links #videos #images #Universities #Faculties #schools #TopResearchCenters #World #countries #cities #diffusion #SocialNetworks #DifferentPrices #PreçosDiferentes #money #prices #teams #investigations #analysis #authorities #Consequences #EmailMessages #consequências #possiblidades #HumanRights #DireitosHumanos #project #projects #patent #patentes #Confirmation #country #equipe #equipes #time #tempo #times #tempos #probabilities #probabilidades #person #people #pessoas #pessoa #E-mailMessages #health #life @ http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu @ A interação entre diferentes Departamentos é muito importante, incluindo os mesmos tipos de Departamentos só que de diferentes Centros de Pesquisa nas diversas partes do mundo. The Interaction between different Departments is very important, including the same types of Departments but from different Research Centers in different parts of the world https://www.ucop.edu/ https://www.library.ucla.edu/biomed/staff https://chancellor.ucla.edu/contact-us/ https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/leadership https://chancellor.ucla.edu/about/ https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/gsa-leadership-directory?gsaredirect=leadershipdirectory https://www.nih.gov/include-project/contact https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Contact

http://www.fbi.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.usa.gov http://www.forbes.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.youtube.com http://www.nih.gov http://www.genome.gov http://www.google.com http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com #probability #energy #life #health #reading #team #time #equipe #investigations #investigações #pesquisa #research #longevidade #memória #memory #longevity #feelings #sentimentos #actions #vida #saúde #law #direito

Blog I started to do in 2018: http://www.science1984.wordpress.com My intentions were and always will be to help people in some way for a better world. https://science1984.wordpress.com/2022/10/18/goals-of-this-blog-objetivos-deste-blog-top-technologies-https-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-human_brain-https-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-mind-https-en-wikipedia-org-wiki-memory/ Very Important Notes: I don´t earn any money from this blog. This blog statistics about 2018 are not entirely from real people. If possible, visit and share my blog and inform to your friends to do the same to do a very big dissemination of my blog. Thanks in advance!! Best wishes for you always !! Thank you again!! #probabilities #reader #person #people #country



I did other e-mail lists in this year (2022) and a little amount (comparing with the total number of e-mails cataloged) of excellent researchers, professors and/or scientists worldwide informed me to unsubscribe them. Note: I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists. Very few of them asked me by e-mail about it (no permission to put their e-mail in the e-mail list) and informed me to unsubscribe them. They didn´t inform me to send the e-mail lists I did to them and they didn´t know about the e-mail list I did nor details about these e-mail lists I did like extension of it, for example. I know there´re strict laws in this subject related to money. The yahoo and gmail team has all these e-mail lists in the system and all these data are related to USA Government, of course. Very Important Note: I do not earn any money from this blog. I NEVER want to harm myself with this e-mail lists I made and NEITHER does anyone else. I do want to help people improve this world we live in ALWAYS anyway. @ NÃO quero me prejudicar NUNCA com esta lista de emails que fiz e NEM outra(s) pessoa(s). & The human expectancy of life needs to increase so much faster by more efficient projects and researches resulting in new drugs, vaccines, medical devices, therapeutic substances and others ´´things´´. The diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention methods of diseases need to improve so much faster in the world, of course, to people live better and longer, more and more. The interactions among Research Centers Departments in the world is very important in many aspects, for example. It was very difficult to do these email lists. As many know, there are many probabilities that certain facts will occur, even surprisingly and unexpectedly by the people and/or people involved in the Internet. In addition, there are very strict laws in the world regarding about it and that involve fines of a lot of money. It really is a very delicate matter that requires a lot of attention. # @ AmericanGovern # authorities # & probabilities #forever #time # probabilities # friends # friend #family #e-mail #reader # people #reading # person # intentions #innovations #graphics #data #information #knowledge # blog #@ documents #HumanLongevity # feelings # law #countries # subject # content # Science # & World Scientific Community @ For a better world ALWAYS. Few people informed to me unsubscribe them. I am know the there are @ E-mails – Professors, Scientists and/or Researchers – Excellent Research Centers of the World @ Law – Direito – World – Mundo – Money – Dinheiro – Prices – Preço(s) – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) – USA GOVERN – USA AUTHORITIES – DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS – TEAM – COUNTRY – COUNTRIES – PROBABILITIES – POSSIBILITIES & USAPresident – USAGovern – USAAuthorities – Detailed Investigations – Intentions – Work – Blog – Data – Knowledge – Information – IndeterminedTime #Law #laws #signature #signatures #SoManyPossibilities #PERSON #Feelings – Health – Medicine – workers – actions – decisions – authorizations – unsubscribes – respect – Very Big Consequences – World – Times – Time – reading – spam – e-mails – content – level of importance of the message – email – emails – subjects 0 human longevity – analysis of the content and level of importance of the spam – authorities – detailed analysis – longevity @ $# energies – cell – dna – rna – human health #PEOPLE #EmailLists #Money #price #probabilities #TrueFacts #supositions #friends #family #InfinitePossibilities #HumanRights #REFLECTIONS #USA #Brazil #worry #origin #InternetHistory#future #present #past #WorldHistory #ComputerHistory #CellPhoneHistory #lives #VeryHardWork #OtherCountries #AUTHORITIES #Economy #cities #globalization #capitalism #velocity #times #Time #vision #listen #reading #typing #speaking #OtherPerson #OtherPeople #FalseFacts #FakeNews #SocialNetworks #websites #blogs #Intentions – blog – spam – Scientific Community – World Innovations – graphics and data – unknown diseases / fatal diseases – rare diseases @ -> lack of understanding of many diseases – genetics – physiology – Nobel prizes – Other prizes – motivation – posters – articles – references – new ideas – age – ages – life – death – world – & @ human life of expectancy #DifferentPossibilities #DifferentCommunication #feelings #mind #thinking #fact #PossibleFacts #patents #speaking #email #projects #communication #researches #blog #data #RelevantInformation #RelevantKnowledge #RelevantSources #RealStatistics #Science @ World University Rankings – World History – Country – Inventions – Investigations – E-mails – Patent – Money – USA Govern – Law – Blog – Website – Social Networks – Work – Price – Probability – Person – People – Internet Pionner – Pionners – Reference – Subjects – Lives – Life – Human Longevity – Age – Ages – Graphics – Cell – DNA – Data – Information – Knowledge – Internet Society https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov

Sharing interesting and important information is a very important act because it helps in the diffusion of them in the world. Of course, it has to be true and not fake news. #sincerity #sinceridade #probabilities #probabilidades #website #site #link #Internet #socialnetworks #videos #photos #images #technologies #reasons #motivos #content #conteúdo #people #pessoas #person #pessoa #intentions #intenções #crimes #improvement #melhoria #memory #message #mensagem #chat #name #nick #nicks #time #tempo #economy #economia #tempo #dinheiro #money #price #preço #levelofimportance #níveldeimportância #numberofpeople #númerodepessoas #mente #mind #velocity #velocidade #patrocinadores #sponsors #law #direito #respect #respeito #vida #life #saúde #health #actions #ações #investigations #investigações #estímulo #motivation #otherperson #otherpeople #outrapessoa #outraspessoas #wikipedia #team #equipe #family #família #amigo #amigos #friend #friends #diferentestiposdepessoas #differenttypesofpeople #Longevity #longevidade #memories #memórias #fala #speak #escrita #writing #typing #digitação #worldhistory #históriadomundo #país #country #countries #países #sitemuitoconhecido #manypeopleknowthiswwebsite #email #emails #mensagens #messages #leitura #reading #probabilidades #probabilities #intentions #goals #idade #idades #age #ages #questions #affirmations #pergunta #futureimaginations #imaginaçõesfuturas #imaginações #imaginations #perguntas #assunto #subject #cidade #city #afirmações #objetivos #trabalho #work #site #chat #lackofrespecttome #futuro #future #faltaderespeitocomigo #lackofrespect #futurosencontros #futuroencontro #futuremeeting #futuremeetings #statistics #estatísticas #website #Brazil #ranking #world #mundo #USA #EUA #OtherCountries #USAAuthorities #USAPolice #BetterWebsite #BetterChat #mentalhealthofotherpeople #saúdementaldeoutraspessoas #faltaderespeito #humanlongevity #longevidadehumana #pensamentodeoutrapessoa #conselho #advice #links #pensamentosdeoutraspessoas #thinkingofotherperson #thoughtsofotherperson #thoughtsofotherpeople #leitordemente #mindreading #muitodesrespeito #faladeoutrapessoa #otherpersonspeaking #faladeoutraspessoas #speakingofotherpeople #InternetPionners #vídeosdainternettotalmenteinapropriados #totallyinappropriateinternetvideos #description #descrição #induçãodeacoeserradas #inductionsofwrongactions #leiturademeail #emailreading #analysis #análise #pioneiros #contributions #InternetSociety #InternetAuthorities ##contribuições #sociedade #society #betterworld #mundomelhor #differenttechnologies #diferentestecnologias

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List of people who gave me a positive feedback by e-mail about an excellent, detailed and very extensive e-mail list I did in 2015 from 20 Best Universities of the World. This e-mail list is more related to the Area of ​​Biological Sciences. I sent it to a very big amount of excellent professors, scientists and/or researchers of Brazil and other countries of the world. a summary about this Project (e-mail list) was sent too to them. @ YouTube Videos – Very important information about the e-mail list I did in 2015 – Over 32,000 e-mails of researchers were cataloged manually by me – It was a very hard work @ Very Important Note: I did not earn any money with this project nor with this blog. My intentions are only help professors, researchers and scientists in anyway. As many people know, the interactions among Academic DEpartments are very important to the world progress. So, these interactions among people need to be very efficient and faster, of course. & Inside the Living Cell & Gene Silencing by microRNAs @ Immunology of the Lung & How the Digestive System Works & Kidney anatomy @ Bladder Anatomy & Day in the life – Neurosurgeon on call & HOW TO DEVELOP REAL LIFE SUPERPOWERS | UNLEASHING THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND @ After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver @ The Power of the Human Mind – Motivational Video by Eddie Pinero & OWN YOUR MIND – Best Motivational Video & The Most Amazing Facts About The Human Brain & Suzana Herculano-Houzel: O que o cérebro humano tem de tão especial? @ Nobel Minds 2019 & Nobel Minds 2018 & Nobel Minds 2017 @ ´´The Nobel Prize is considered the most prestigious award in the world. Prize-winning discoveries include X-rays, radioactivity and penicillin.´´https://sweden.se/society/the-nobel-prize-awarding-great-minds/ https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/facts/nobel-prize-facts/ @& # TIME #INTERNET #ACCESS #SHARE # INFORMATION # INTENTIONS # SPEAK #TYPE #WRITE # READ # DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGEMENT # SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES # RESEARCHES # REFERENCES # CITATIONS # IMPACT # LONGEVITY # PEOPLE # PERSON # AGE # AGES # INNOVATION # GRAPHICS # WORK # ANIMAL TESTING # HUMAN TEST # ANALYSIS # NAME # DISEASE # HEALTH # DNA #CELL # MONEY # INVESTMENTS # COUNTRIES # WORLD @ VERY IMPORTANT WEBSITES, LINKS, SOCIAL NETWORKS, VIDEOS AND IMAGES & I did other email lists in this year (2022) and a little amount of excellent researchers, professors and scientists informed me to unsubscribe them even though I didn’t ask permission from each of them to put their e-mail on the e-mail lists. Very few of them asked me by e-mail about it (no permission to put their e-mail in the e-mail list) and informed me to unsubscribe them. They didn´t inform me to send the e-mail lists I did to them and they didn´t know details about these e-mail lists I did like extension of it, for example. I know there´re strict laws in this subject related to money. The yahoo and gmail team has all these e-mail lists in the system and all these data are related to USA Government, of course. Very Important Note: I do not earn any money from this blog. I NEVER want to harm myself with this e-mail listS I made and NEITHER does anyone else. I do want to help people improve this world we live in ALWAYS anyway. NÃO quero me prejudicar NUNCA com esta lista de emails que fiz e NEM outra(s) pessoa(s). @ The human expectancy of life needs to increase so much faster by more efficient projects and researches resulting in new drugs, vaccines, medical devices, therapeutic substances and others ´´things´´. The diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention methods of diseases need to improve so much faster in the world, of course, to people live better and longer, more and more. The interactions among Research Centers Departments in the world is very important in many aspects, for example. It was very difficult to do these email lists. As many know, there are many probabilities that certain facts will occur, even surprisingly and unexpectedly by the people and/or people involved in the Internet. In addition, there are very strict laws in the world regarding about it and that involve fines of a lot of money. It really is a very delicate matter that requires a lot of attention. # @ AmericanGovern # authorities # & probabilities #forever #time # probabilities # friends # friend #family #e-mail #reader # people #reading # person # intentions #innovations #graphics #data #information #knowledge # blog #@ documents #HumanLongevity # feelings # law #countries # subject # content # Science # & World Scientific Community @ For a better world ALWAYS. Few people informed to me unsubscribe them. I am know the there are @ E-mails – Professors, Scientists and/or Researchers – Excellent Research Centers of the World @ Law – Direito – World – Mundo – Money – Dinheiro – Prices – Preço(s) – Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) – USA GOVERN – USA AUTHORITIES – DETAILED INVESTIGATIONS – TEAM – COUNTRY – COUNTRIES – PROBABILITIES – POSSIBILITIES & USAPresident – USAGovern – USAAuthorities – Detailed Investigations – Intentions – Work – Blog – Data – Knowledge – Information – IndeterminedTime #Law #laws #signature #signatures #SoManyPossibilities #PERSON #Feelings – Health – Medicine – workers – actions – decisions – authorizations – unsubscribes – respect – Very Big Consequences – World – Times – Time – reading – spam – e-mails – content – level of importance of the message – email – emails – subjects 0 human longevity – analysis of the content and level of importance of the spam – authorities – detailed analysis – longevity @ $# energies – cell – dna – rna – human health #PEOPLE #EmailLists #Money #price #probabilities #TrueFacts #supositions #friends #family #InfinitePossibilities #HumanRights #REFLECTIONS #USA #Brazil #worry #origin #InternetHistory#future #present #past #WorldHistory #ComputerHistory #CellPhoneHistory #lives #VeryHardWork #OtherCountries #AUTHORITIES #Economy #cities #globalization #capitalism #velocity #times #Time #vision #listen #reading #typing #speaking #OtherPerson #OtherPeople #FalseFacts #FakeNews #SocialNetworks #websites #blogs #Intentions – blog – spam – Scientific Community – World Innovations – graphics and data – unknown diseases / fatal diseases – rare diseases @ -> lack of understanding of many diseases – genetics – physiology – Nobel prizes – Other prizes – motivation – posters – articles – references – new ideas – age – ages – life – death – world – & @ human life of expectancy #DifferentPossibilities #DifferentCommunication #feelings #mind #thinking #fact #PossibleFacts #patents #speaking #email #projects #communication #researches #blog #data #RelevantInformation #RelevantKnowledge #RelevantSources #RealStatistics #Science @ World University Rankings – World History – Country – Inventions – Investigations – E-mails – Patent – Money – USA Govern – Law – Blog – Website – Social Networks – Work – Price – Probability – Person – People – Internet Pionner – Pionners – Reference – Subjects – Lives – Life – Human Longevity – Age – Ages – Graphics – Cell – DNA – Data – Information – Knowledge – Internet Society https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov



Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015.

World University Rankings – World History – Country – Inventions – Investigations – E-mails – Patent – Money – USA Govern – Law – Blog – Website – Social Networks – Work – Price – Probability – Person – People – Internet Pionner – Pionners – Reference – Subjects – Lives – Life – Human Longevity – Age – Ages – Graphics – Cell – DNA – Data – Information – Knowledge – Internet Society https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-patent-and-trademark-office https://igerent.com/trademark-registration-united-states +1 (305) 257-9442 +34 910 782 483 contact@igerent.com http://www.google.com http://www.usa.gov





Sem títuloCLINICALRESEARCHhttp://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-research-pharmacy/


Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015.

– >  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu


O atributo alt desta imagem está vazio. O nome do arquivo é img-20180421-wa0001.jpg




Sem títuloCLINICALRESEARCHhttp://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-research-pharmacy/


Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015.

– >  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu


O atributo alt desta imagem está vazio. O nome do arquivo é img-20180421-wa0001.jpg




Sem títuloCLINICALRESEARCHhttp://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-research-pharmacy/


Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015.

– >  Mestrado – ´´My´´ Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics

http://www.usa.gov http://www.cia.gov http://www.fbi.gov http://www.gmail.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.youtube.com http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wordpress.com http://www.cnn.com http://www.bloomberg.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.forbes.com http://www.nasa.gov http://www.ucla.edu http://www.harvard.edu http://www.mit.edu http://www.stanford.edu http://www.columbia.edu http://www.stripe.com https://www.cam.ac.uk/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/ http://www.nobelprize.org http://www.nejm.com http://www.nature.com https://ki.se/ http://www.yale.edu http://www.cornell.edu http://www.duke.edu


O atributo alt desta imagem está vazio. O nome do arquivo é img-20180421-wa0001.jpg




Sem títuloCLINICALRESEARCHhttp://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-research-pharmacy/


Nanomedicina – Texto que escrevi. Nanomedicine – Text I typed(1)

LISTA DE NOMES – PEOPLE´S NAMES – E-MAIL LIST – LISTA DE E-MAILS-converted – People´s names who liked of the e-mail list I did in 2015. Nome das pessoas que gostaram da lista de e-mails que fiz em 2015.


Click to access CV_Rank%20and%20Tenure%20Dossier_Harsh%20Chauhan.pdf

Twitter message for me from my Twitter follower: Clinical Res. Pharm. -> @ResPharm´´Hello… Nice to hear about that.. Let me introduce myself first.. I am Chauhan H Managing Editor of Journal of Clinical Research and Pahrmacy.. We do publish research articles on Clinical Pharmacy. Do you have any article for Publication..? Clinical Res. Pharm. Waiting for your Positive Response. Clinical Res. Pharm. :)´´

https://dms.creighton.edu/sites/default/files/faculty-cv-files/CV_Rank%20and%20Tenure%20Dossier_Harsh%20Chauhan.pdf http://www.alliedacademies.org/journal-clinical-research-pharmacy/

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There is a non-essential travel ban to Sweden from countries outside the EU until 31 August. The ban excludes Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against non-essential travel to most EU countries until 15 July, and to countries outside the EU, EEA or Schengen until 31 August. Sweden is now open for travels to Belgium, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain and Hungary, as well as San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican. For more information on how the coronavirus/Covid-19 is affecting Sweden, please go to krisinformation.se, official emergency information from Swedish authorities.



Other languages


In October every year, the Nobel Prize winners of that year are announced in Sweden and Norway. Then, in December, the award is celebrated in Stockholm and Oslo.


Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

A prestigious prize

The Nobel Prize is considered the most prestigious award in the world. Prize-winning discoveries include X-rays, radioactivity and penicillin. Peace laureates include Nelson Mandela and the 14th Dalai Lama. Nobel laureates in literature have thrilled readers with works such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez) and The Grass is Singing (Doris Lessing).

Every year in early October, the world turns its gaze towards Sweden and Norway as the Nobel laureates are announced in Stockholm and Oslo. And on 10 December, the Nobel Day, award ceremonies take place in Stockholm and Oslo. Since 1901 prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace have been awarded.

In 1968, Sweden’s central bank (Sveriges Riksbank) also established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The prize is based on a donation received by the Nobel Foundation in 1968 from the central bank to mark the bank’s 300th anniversary. This prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, following the same principles as the Nobel Prizes.

The man behind the prize

The Nobel Prize is the legacy of Alfred Nobel, a chemist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur. Nobel was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden, and died on 10 December 1896 in San Remo, Italy.

When he signed his last will in 1895, Nobel declared that his remaining assests – totalling more than SEK 31 million – should be converted into a fund and that the interest should be distributed annually as prizes to ‘those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind’.

Nobel’s own inventions include a blasting cap, dynamite and smokeless gunpowder. He became famous across the world when the St. Gotthard Tunnel in the Swiss Alps was completed in 1881 and dynamite was used for the first time on a large scale.

At the time of his death, Nobel held 355 patents in different countries. There were Nobel companies in more than 20 countries, with explosives of all kinds being manufactured under his patents in around 90 factories worldwide. Nobel lived and worked in many countries, including Sweden, Russia, France, the UK, Germany and Italy.

Nobel Prize numbers

53 women

The Nobel Prize and the Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded to women 54 times from 1901 to 2019. One woman, Marie Curie, was honoured twice, receiving the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This means a total of 53 women have received Nobel Prizes to date: 17 have received the Peace Prize, 15 the Prize in Literature, 12 in Physiology/Medicine, 5 in Chemistry (including Curie), 3 in Physics (including Curie) and 2 in Economic Sciences.

The oldest

John B. Goodenough was 97 when he was awarded the Prize in Chemsitry in 2019.

The youngest

Malala Yousafzai was 17 when she was awarded the Peace Prize in 2014.

Two have declined

Jean-Paul Sartre declined the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature because he had consistently declined all official honours.

Lê Ðức Thọ, awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for negotiating the Vietnam peace agreement, said he was not in a position to accept the prize due to the situation in Vietnam.

Four forced to decline

Three German laureates – Richard Kuhn (Chemistry), Adolf Butenandt (Chemistry) and Gerhard Domagk (Physiology /Medicine) – were forbidden by Adolf Hitler from accepting their prizes. The three later received their awards, but not the prize money.

Boris Pasternak initially accepted the 1958 Nobel Prize in Literature, but was later coerced into declining by Soviet authorities.

Alfred Nobel (1833–1896) made a fortune off dynamite – his most known invention.

Photo: The Nobel Foundation

The Nobel institutions

In 1900, the four institutions awarding the prizes agreed to create the Nobel Foundation, a private institution based on Alfred Nobel’s will. The Nobel Foundation would administer Nobel’s estate, totalling SEK 31 million, make public announcements and arrange the prize ceremonies. The total amount awarded each year is based on the most recent return on investment. The capital is currently worth over SEK 4.5 billion, more than double the value of the original estate when adjusted for inflation.

The Nobel Prize in each category is currently worth SEK 9 million. There can be up to three recipients for each prize, who share the sum between them.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Physics, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. It is an independent organisation that aims to promote the sciences and enhance their influence in society. Founded in 1739, it has about 460 Swedish and 175 foreign members.

The Swedish Academy awards the Nobel Prize in Literature. The academy was founded in 1786 and consists of 18 chairs.

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Dating from 1977 in its current form, the assembly consists of 50 professors at Karolinska Institutet.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee awards the Nobel Peace Prize. The committee was founded in 1897 and consists of five members appointed by the Norwegian parliament.

Prize-winning discoveries (clockwise from left): X-rays; AGA lighthouse, a type of automatic lighthouse that runs on acetylene gas; the molecular structure of DNA – the double helix; penicillin.

Photos: Shutterstock, Melker Dahlstrand/imagebank.sweden.se, Getty Images

A timeline of culture and science

From the first Nobel Prize in 1901 to 2018, a total of 935 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 908 individual laureates and 27 organisations.

1901: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of X-rays.

1903: Marie Curie became the first female laureate when she was named a joint winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for her research into radioactivity. In 1911 she also received a prize in chemistry for isolating and studying the new element radium.

1905: Austrian baroness and author Bertha von Suttner became the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of her work with the pacifist movements in Germany and Austria. She was also widely seen as inspiring Alfred Nobel, with whom she corresponded, to create the Peace Prize.

1912: Swedish inventor and industrialist Gustaf Dalén won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to lighthouse technology. He invented the AGA lighthouse, a type of automatic lighthouse that ran on acetylene gas. It made it possible to reduce gas consumption by 90 per cent compared with earlier constructions.

1945: Alexander Fleming was one of three laureates in Physiology or Medicine, in recognition of their discovery of penicillin, which saved millions of lives in the second half of the 20th century.

2018: No Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded. The Swedish Academy, in the midst of a crisis, cited their diminished number of active members and a reduced public confidence as the reasons for not handing out a Prize that year. The Academy instead announced the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 – Olga Tokarczuk – in parallel with the naming of the 2019 Laureate, Peter Handke.

2019: The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali for his efforts to resolve border conflicts between Ethiopia and neighbouring country Eritrea. The intent of the Prize was also to recognise all stakeholders working for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia and in the East and Northeast African regions.

Previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates include Martin Luther King (1964), Mother Teresa (1979) and Barack Obama (2009).

Previous Laureates in Literature include Ernest Hemingway (1954), Toni Morrison (1993), Dario Fo (1997) and Mario Vargas Llosa (2010).

2019 Nobel Prizes

(countries denote place of birth)


John B. Goodenough, Germany;
M. Stanley Whittingham, England;
Akira Yoshino, Japan.

‘For the development of lithium-ion batteries.’


Peter Handke, Austria.

‘For an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience.’

In 2019, the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature was also awarded.

Olga Tokarczuk, Poland, received the Prize ‘for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life.’


Abiy Ahmed Ali, Ethiopia.

‘For his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and in particular for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with
neighbouring Eritrea.’


James Peebles, Canada.

‘For theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology.’

Michel Mayor, Switzerland;
Didier Queloz, Switzerland.

‘For the discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star.’

Physiology or Medicine

William G. Kaelin Jr, USA;
Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, England;
Gregg L. Semenza, USA.

‘For their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.’

The Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

Abhijit Banerjee, India;
Esther Duflo, France;
Michael Kremer, USA.

‘For their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.’

Stockholm City Hall is the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet.

Photo: Werner Nystrand/imagebank.sweden.se

The Nobel week in Stockholm

The Nobel Prize award ceremonies are held on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death, in the Swedish capital of Stockholm and the Norwegian capital of Oslo. Several other activities take place the same week, called the Nobel week.

5–7 December
Press conferences and seminars are held in Stockholm.

7–8 December
The laureates give lectures.

8 December
A Nobel Prize concert in honour of the laureates is held at the Stockholm Concert Hall.

9 December
The Nobel Week Dialogue takes place.

10 December
The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony is held in the Stockholm Concert Hall, where the King of Sweden presents each laureate with a Nobel Prize medal and a Nobel Prize diploma. A televised banquet is then held at Stockholm City Hall.

On the same day, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

11 December
The festivities conclude with another banquet dinner at the Royal Palace.

The banquet of banquets

On 10 December, the Nobel Banquet is held in the Blue Hall at Stockholm City Hall. Hundreds of cooks, waiters and attendants ensure that everything runs smoothly. Some 1,300 guests are invited, with each laureate entitled to bring 14 guests beside their spouses.

Sweden’s royal family is always present, as are the prime minister and other members of the government. Traditionally, the laureates and their spouses sit with the Royal Family at the banquet. The Nobel family is always represented. The remainder of the guest list should reflect the cultural and scientific community of Sweden and the world.

Useful links

Last updated: 14 May 2020



A short guide to the Nobel Prize



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Nobel Prize in Literature

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Nobel Prize in Literature
(SwedishNobelpriset i litteratur)
Announcement of the Nobel Prize laureate in literature, 2008
Awarded forOutstanding contributions in literature
LocationStockholm, Sweden
Presented bySwedish Academy
Reward(s)9 million SEK (2017)[1]
First awarded1901
Currently held byPeter Handke (2019)
← 2018

The Nobel Prize in Literature is a Swedish literature prize that is awarded annually, since 1901, to an author from any country who has, in the words of the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, produced “in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction” (original Swedish: den som inom litteraturen har producerat det mest framstående verket i en idealisk riktning).[2][3] Though individual works are sometimes cited as being particularly noteworthy, the award is based on an author’s body of work as a whole. The Swedish Academy decides who, if anyone, will receive the prize. The academy announces the name of the laureate in early October. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895. On some occasions the award has been postponed to the following year, most recently in 2018.[4][5][6]



In 1901, French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme (1839–1907) was the first person to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, “in special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart and intellect.”

Alfred Nobel stipulated in his last will and testament that his money be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the “greatest benefit on mankind” in physicschemistrypeacephysiology or medicine, and literature.[7][8] Though Nobel wrote several wills during his lifetime, the last was written a little over a year before he died, and signed at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895.[9][10] Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 31 million Swedish kronor (US$198 million, 176 million in 2016), to establish and endow the five Nobel Prizes.[11] Due to the level of scepticism surrounding the will, it was not until 26 April 1897 that the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) approved it.[12][13] The executors of his will were Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, who formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel’s fortune and organize the prizes.

The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on 7 June, the Swedish Academy on 9 June, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June.[14][15] The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation’s newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II.[13][16][17] According to Nobel’s will, the prize in literature should be determined by “the Academy in Stockholm”, which was specified by the statutes of the Nobel Foundation to mean the Swedish Academy.[18]

Nomination and award procedure[edit]

Each year, the Swedish Academy sends out requests for nominations of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Members of the Academy, members of literature academies and societies, professors of literature and language, former Nobel literature laureates, and the presidents of writers’ organizations are all allowed to nominate a candidate. It is not permitted to nominate oneself.[19]

Thousands of requests are sent out each year, and as of 2011 about 220 proposals were returned.[20] These proposals must be received by the Academy by 1 February, after which they are examined by the Nobel Committee. By April, the Academy narrows the field to around twenty candidates.[20] By May, a short list of five names is approved by the Committee.[20] The next four months are spent in reading and reviewing the works of the five candidates.[20] In October, members of the Academy vote and the candidate who receives more than half of the votes is named the Nobel laureate in Literature. No one can get the prize without being on the list at least twice; thus many authors reappear and are reviewed repeatedly over the years.[20] The academy is master[clarification needed] of thirteen languages, but when a candidate is shortlisted from an unknown[clarification needed] language, they call on translators and oath-sworn experts to provide samples of that writer.[20] Other elements of the process are similar to those of other Nobel Prizes.[21] The judges are composed of an 18 member committee who are elected for life, and until 2018 not technically permitted to leave.[22] On 2 May 2018, King Carl XVI Gustaf amended the rules of the academy and made it possible for members to resign. The new rules also state that a member who has been inactive in the work of the academy for more than two years can be asked to resign.[23][24]

The award is usually announced in October. Sometimes, however, the award has been announced the year after the nominal year, the latest such case being the 2018 award. In the midst of controversy surrounding claims of sexual assault, conflict of interest, and resignations by officials, on 4 May 2018, the Swedish Academy announced that the 2018 laureate would be announced in 2019 along with the 2019 laureate.[5][4]


A Literature Nobel Prize laureate earns a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum of money.[25] The amount of money awarded depends on the income of the Nobel Foundation that year.[26] If a prize is awarded to more than one laureate, the money is either split evenly among them or, for three laureates, it may be divided into a half and two quarters.[27] If a prize is awarded jointly to two or more laureates, the money is split among them.[27]

The prize money of the Nobel Prize has been fluctuating since its inauguration but as of 2012 it stood at kr 8,000,000 (about US$1,100,000), previously it was kr 10,000,000.[28][29][30] This was not the first time the prize-amount was decreased—beginning with a nominal value of kr 150,782 in 1901 (worth 8,123,951 in 2011 SEK) the nominal value has been as low as kr 121,333 (2,370,660 in 2011 SEK) in 1945—but it has been uphill or stable since then, peaking at an SEK-2011 value of 11,659,016 in 2001.[30]

The laureate is also invited to give a lecture during “Nobel Week” in Stockholm; the highlight is the prize-giving ceremony and banquet on 10 December.[31] It is the second richest literary prize in the world.


The Nobel Prize medals, minted by Myntverket[32] in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse (front side of the medal). The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833–1896). Nobel’s portrait also appears on the obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design.[33] The image on the reverse of a medal varies according to the institution awarding the prize. The reverse sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share the same design.[34] The medal for the Nobel Prize in Literature was designed by Erik Lindberg.[35]


Nobel laureates receive a Diploma directly from the King of Sweden. Each Diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureate who receives it.[36] The Diploma contains a picture and text that states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize.[36]


For a more comprehensive list, see List of Nobel laureates in Literature.

The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to acclaimed writers such as Rudyard KiplingRabindranath TagoreAnatole FranceWilliam Butler YeatsGeorge Bernard ShawThomas MannHermann HesseLuigi PirandelloEugene O’NeillGabriela MistralAndré GideT. S. EliotWilliam FaulknerErnest HemingwayBoris PasternakAlbert CamusJean-Paul SartreSamuel BeckettYasunari KawabataAleksandr SolzhenitsynSaul BellowCzeslaw MiloszGabriel Garcia MarquezWole SoyinkaToni MorrisonJosé Saramago and Mario Vargas Llosa.[18]

112 Nobel Prizes in Literature have been awarded between 1901 and 2019 to 116 individuals: 101 men and 15 women. The prize has been shared between two individuals on four occasions. It was not awarded on seven occasions. The laureates have included writers in 25 different languages. The youngest laureate was Rudyard Kipling, who was 41 years old when he was awarded in 1907. The oldest laureate to receive the prize was Doris Lessing, who was 88 when she was awarded in 2007. It has been awarded posthumously once, to Erik Axel Karlfeldt in 1931. Two writers have declined the prize, Boris Pasternak in 1958 (“Accepted first, later caused by the authorities of his country (Soviet Union) to decline the Prize”, according to the Nobel Foundation) and Jean-Paul Sartre in 1964.[37]

Interpretations of Nobel’s guidelines[edit]

Alfred Nobel’s guidelines for the prize that the candidate should have bestowed “the greatest benefit on mankind”, and writing “in an ideal direction” have caused much discussion. In the early history of the prize Nobel’s “ideal” was read as “a lofty and sound idealism”. The set of criteria, characterized by its conservative idealism, holding church, state and family sacred, resulted in Prizes to Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonRudyard Kipling and Paul Heyse. During World War I there was a policy of neutrality, which partly explains the number of awards to Scandinavian writers. In the 1920s “ideal direction” was interpreted more generously as “wide-hearted humanity”, and writers like Anatole FranceGeorge Bernard Shaw and Thomas Mann were awarded. In the 1930s “the greatest benefit on mankind” was interpreted as writers within everybody’s reach, with authors like Sinclair Lewis and Pearl Buck being awarded. From 1946 a renewed Academy changed focus and began to award literary pioneers like Hermann HesseAndré GideT. S. Eliot and William Faulkner. From this era, “the greatest benefit on mankind” was interpreted in a more exclusive and generous way than before. Since the 1970s the Academy has often given attention to important but internationally unnoticed writers, awarding writers like Isaac Bashevis SingerOdysseus ElytisElias Canetti, and Jaroslav Seifert.

From 1986 the Academy acknowledged the international horizon in Nobel’s will, which rejected any consideration for the nationality of the candidates, and awarded authors from all over the world such as Wole Soyinka from Nigeria, Naguib Mahfouz from Egypt, Octavio Paz from Mexico, Nadine Gordimer from South Africa, Derek Walcott from St. Lucia, Toni Morrison, the first African-American on the list, Kenzaburo Oe from Japan, and Gao Xingjian, the first laureate to write in Chinese.[18] In the 2000s V. S. NaipaulMario Vargas Llosa and the Chinese writer Mo Yan have been awarded, but the policy of “a prize for the whole world” has been less noticeable as the Academy has mostly awarded European and English-language writers from the Western literary tradition. In 2015 a rare prize to a non-fiction writer was awarded to Svetlana Alexievich.[38]

Shared prize[edit]

The Nobel Prize in Literature can be shared between two individuals. However, the Academy has been reluctant to award shared prizes, mainly because divisions are liable to be interpreted as a result of a compromise. The shared prizes awarded to Frederic Mistral and José Echegaray in 1904 and to Karl Gjellerup and Henrik Pontoppidan in 1917 were in fact both a result of compromises. The Academy has also hesitated to divide the prize between two authors as a shared prize runs the risk of being regarded as only half a laurel. Shared prizes are exceptional, and more recently the Academy has awarded a shared prize on only two occasions, to Shmuel Yosef Agnon and Nelly Sachs in 1966, and to Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson in 1974.[18]

Recognition of a specific work[edit]

Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature are awarded for the author’s life work, but on some occasions the Academy have singled out a specific work for particular recognition. For example Knut Hamsun was awarded in 1920 “for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil“, Thomas Mann in 1929 “principally for his great novel, Buddenbrooks, which has won steadily increased recognition as one of the classic works of contemporary literature”, John Galsworthy in 1932 “for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga” and Mikhail Sholokhov in 1965 “for the artistic power and integrity with which, in his epic of the Don, he has given expression to a historic phase in the life of the Russian people”.[37]

Potential candidates[edit]

Nominations are kept secret for fifty years until they are publicly available at The Nomination Database for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Currently, only nominations submitted between 1901 and 1968 are available for public viewing.[39]

What about the rumours circling around the world about certain people being nominated for the Nobel Prize this year? – Well, either it’s just a rumour, or someone among the invited nominators has leaked information. Since the nominations are kept secret for 50 years, you’ll have to wait until then to find out.[40]

— www.nobelprize.org, in Nomination FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the Nomination and Selection of Nobel Laureates


Although the Nobel Prize in Literature has become the world’s most prestigious literature prize,[41] the Swedish Academy has attracted significant criticism for its handling of the award. Many authors who have won the prize have fallen into obscurity, while others rejected by the jury remain widely studied and read. The prize has “become widely seen as a political one – a peace prize in literary disguise”, whose judges are prejudiced against authors with political tastes different from theirs.[42] Tim Parks has expressed skepticism that it is possible for “Swedish professors … [to] compar[e] a poet from Indonesia, perhaps translated into English with a novelist from Cameroon, perhaps available only in French, and another who writes in Afrikaans but is published in German and Dutch…”.[43] As of 2016, 16 of the 113 recipients have been of Scandinavian origin. The Academy has often been alleged to be biased towards European, and in particular Swedish, authors.[44]

Nobel’s “vague” wording for the criteria for the prize has led to recurrent controversy. In the original Swedish, the word idealisk translates as “ideal”.[3][45] The Nobel Committee‘s interpretation has varied over the years. In recent years, this means a kind of idealism championing human rights on a broad scale.[3][46]

Controversies about Nobel Laureate selections[edit]

Selma Lagerlöf, the first female writer to be awarded a Nobel Prize in literature, faced major controversies. Illustration from Svenska Dagbladet, 11 December 1909

From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity’s struggle ‘toward the ideal’. Leo TolstoyHenrik IbsenÉmile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favor of authors little read today.[45][47]

The first prize in 1901, awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme, was heavily criticised. Many believed that the acclaimed Russian author Tolstoy should have been awarded the first Nobel prize in literature.[48]

The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel Laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Main candidates for the prize this year was the poet Algernon Swinburne and Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy’s interpretation of Nobel’s “ideal direction”, was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon.[49]

The choice of Selma Lagerlöf (Sweden 1858–1940) as Nobel Laureate in 1909 (for the ‘lofty idealism, vivid imagination and spiritual perception that characterizes her writings’[50]) followed fierce debate because of her writing style and subject matter, which broke literary decorums of the time.[51][52]

During World War I and its immediate aftermath, the committee adopted a policy of neutrality, favouring writers from non-combatant countries.[45] The pacifistic author Romain Rolland was awarded the prize for 1915. Other years during the war Scandinavian writers were favoured, or the award was postponed.[53]

In 1931 the prize was awarded posthumously to the poet and former permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Erik Axel Karlfeldt, who had died earlier that year. The prize was controversial not just because it was the first and only time the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded posthumously, but because the Academy had previously awarded two other Swedish writers of the same literary era, Selma Lagerlöf in 1909 and Verner von Heidenstam in 1916. Internationally it was heavily critizised as few had heard of Karlfeldt.[54]

The Nobel Prize awarded to Pearl Buck in 1938 is one of the most criticised in the history of the prize. The Academy awarded Buck “for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces”, referring to acclaimed and popular books published only a few years earlier. But her later work is generally not considered to be of the literary standard of a Nobel Laureate.[55]

In 1962, John Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature. The selection was heavily criticized, and described as “one of the Academy’s biggest mistakes” in one Swedish newspaper.[56] The New York Times asked why the Nobel committee gave the award to an author whose “limited talent is, in his best books, watered down by tenth-rate philosophising”, adding, “we think it interesting that the laurel was not awarded to a writer … whose significance, influence and sheer body of work had already made a more profound impression on the literature of our age”.[56] Steinbeck himself, when asked if he deserved the Nobel on the day of the announcement, replied: “Frankly, no.”[56] In 2012 (50 years later), the Nobel Prize opened its archives and it was revealed that Steinbeck was a “compromise choice” among a shortlist consisting of Steinbeck, British authors Robert Graves and Lawrence Durrell, French dramatist Jean Anouilh and Danish author Karen Blixen.[56] The declassified documents showed that he was chosen as the best of a bad lot:[56] “There aren’t any obvious candidates for the Nobel prize and the prize committee is in an unenviable situation,” wrote committee member Henry Olsson.[56]

In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but he wrote declining it, stating that “It is not the same thing if I sign Jean-Paul Sartre or if I sign Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize laureate. A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution, even if it takes place in the most honorable form.”[57] Nevertheless he was awarded the prize.[58]

Soviet dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the 1970 prize laureate, did not attend the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm for fear that the USSR would prevent his return afterwards (his works there were circulated in samizdat—clandestine form).[59] After the Swedish government refused to honor Solzhenitsyn with a public award ceremony and lecture at its Moscow embassy, Solzhenitsyn refused the award altogether, commenting that the conditions set by the Swedes (who preferred a private ceremony) were “an insult to the Nobel Prize itself.” Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union.[60]

In 1974, Graham GreeneVladimir Nabokov, and Saul Bellow were believed to be likely candidates for the prize but the Academy decided on a joint award for Swedish authors Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson, both members of the Swedish Academy at the time,[61] and unknown outside their home country.[62][63] Bellow received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976; neither Greene nor Nabokov was awarded it.[64]

The award to Italian performance artist Dario Fo in 1997 was initially considered “rather lightweight”[65] by some critics, as he was seen primarily as a performer, and Catholic organizations saw the award to Fo as controversial as he had previously been censured by the Roman Catholic Church.[66] The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano expressed surprise at Fo’s selection for the prize commenting that “Giving the prize to someone who is also the author of questionable works is beyond all imagination.”[67] Salman Rushdie and Arthur Miller had been strongly favoured to receive the Prize, but the Nobel organisers were later quoted as saying that they would have been “too predictable, too popular.”[68]

Camilo José Cela willingly offered his services as an informer for Franco‘s regime and had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join the rebel forces there; an article by Miguel Angel Villena, Between Fear and Impunity which compiled commentaries by Spanish novelists on the noteworthy silence of the older generation of Spanish novelists on the Francoist pasts of public intellectuals, appeared below a photograph of Cela during the Nobel ceremony in Stockholm in 1989.[69]

The choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek, was protested by a member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an active role in the Academy since 1996; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused “irreparable damage” to the reputation of the award.[70][71]

The selection of Harold Pinter for the Prize in 2005 was delayed for a couple of days, apparently due to Ahnlund’s resignation, and led to renewed speculations about there being a “political element” in the Swedish Academy’s awarding of the Prize.[46] Although Pinter was unable to give his Nobel Lecture in person because of ill health, he delivered it from a television studio on video projected on screens to an audience at the Swedish Academy, in Stockholm. His comments have been the source of much commentary and debate. The issue of their “political stance” was also raised in response to the awards of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Orhan Pamuk and Doris Lessing in 2006 and 2007, respectively.[72]

The 2016 choice of Bob Dylan was the first time a musician and songwriter won the Nobel for Literature. The award caused some controversy, particularly among writers arguing that the literary merits of Dylan’s work are not equal to those of some of his peers. Lebanese novelist Rabih Alameddine tweeted that “Bob Dylan winning a Nobel in Literature is like Mrs Fields being awarded 3 Michelin stars.”[73] The French writer Pierre Assouline described the decision as “contemptuous of writers”.[74] In a live webchat hosted by The Guardian, Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgård said that “I’m very divided. I love that the nobel committee opens up for other kinds of literature – lyrics and so on. I think that’s brilliant. But knowing that Dylan is the same generation as Thomas PynchonPhilip RothCormac McCarthy, makes it very difficult for me to accept it.”[75] Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh said “I’m a Dylan fan, but this is an ill conceived nostalgia award wrenched from the rancid prostates of senile, gibbering hippies.”[76] Dylan’s songwriting peer and friend Leonard Cohen said that no prizes were necessary to recognize the greatness of the man who transformed pop music with records like Highway 61 Revisited. “To me,” Cohen said, “[the Nobel] is like pinning a medal on Mount Everest for being the highest mountain.”[77] Writer and commentator Will Self wrote that the award “cheapened” Dylan whilst hoping the laureate would “follow Sartre in rejecting the award”.[78]

The choice of Peter Handke for the prize in 2019 caused much controversy and was criticised because of Handke’s vocal support of Serbia during the 1990s Yugoslav wars. Albania’s foreign minister Gent Cakaj called it a “shameful” award and Kosovo’s president Hashim Thaçi said that “The decision of Nobel Prize brought immense pain to countless victims”, and it was also criticised by several other politicians and survivors of the war. In a statement, PEN America wrote that the organisation was “dumbfounded by the selection of a writer who has used his public voice to undercut historical truth”. The Swedish Academy defended their decision to award Handke and wrote that “the Swedish Academy has obviously not intended to reward a war criminal and denier of war crimes or genocide” and that the Academy “has found nothing in what he has written that involves attacks on civil society or respect for the equal value of all people”.[79][80]

Nationality-based criticism[edit]

French author Albert Camus was the first African-born writer to receive the award.

The prize’s focus on European men, and Swedes in particular, has been the subject of criticism, even from Swedish newspapers.[81] The majority of laureates have been European, with Sweden itself receiving more prizes (8) than all of Asia (7, if Turkish Orhan Pamuk is included), as well as all of Latin America (7, if Saint Lucian Derek Walcott is included). In 2009, Horace Engdahl, then the permanent secretary of the Academy, declared that “Europe still is the centre of the literary world” and that “the US is too isolated, too insular. They don’t translate enough and don’t really participate in the big dialogue of literature.”[82]

In 2009, Engdahl’s replacement, Peter Englund, rejected this sentiment (“In most language areas … there are authors that really deserve and could get the Nobel Prize and that goes for the United States and the Americas, as well”) and acknowledged the Eurocentric nature of the award, saying that, “I think that is a problem. We tend to relate more easily to literature written in Europe and in the European tradition.”[83] American critics are known to object that those from their own country, like Philip RothThomas Pynchon, and Cormac McCarthy, have been overlooked, as have Latin Americans such as Jorge Luis BorgesJulio Cortázar, and Carlos Fuentes, while in their place Europeans lesser-known to that continent have triumphed. The 2009 award to Herta Müller, previously little-known outside Germany but many times named favorite for the Nobel Prize, re-ignited the viewpoint that the Swedish Academy was biased and Eurocentric.[84]

The 2010 prize was awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa, a native of Peru in South America, a generally well-regarded decision. When the 2011 prize was awarded to the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Peter Englund said the prize was not decided based on politics, describing such a notion as “literature for dummies”.[85] The Swedish Academy awarded the next two prizes to non-Europeans, Chinese author Mo Yan and Canadian short story writer Alice Munro. French writer Patrick Modiano‘s win in 2014 renewed questions of Eurocentrism; when asked by The Wall Street Journal “So no American this year, yet again. Why is that?”, Englund reminded Americans of the Canadian origins of the previous year’s recipient, the Academy’s desire for literary quality and the impossibility of rewarding everyone who deserves the prize.[86]

Overlooked literary achievements[edit]

In the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature, many literary achievements were overlooked. The literary historian Kjell Espmark admitted that “as to the early prizes, the censure of bad choices and blatant omissions is often justified. TolstoyIbsen, and Henry James should have been rewarded instead of, for instance, Sully PrudhommeEucken, and Heyse“.[87] There are omissions which are beyond the control of the Nobel Committee such as the early death of an author as was the case with Marcel ProustItalo Calvino, and Roberto Bolaño. According to Kjell Espmark “the main works of KafkaCavafy, and Pessoa were not published until after their deaths and the true dimensions of Mandelstam’s poetry were revealed above all in the unpublished poems that his wife saved from extinction and gave to the world long after he had perished in his Siberian exile”.[87] British novelist Tim Parks ascribed the never-ending controversy surrounding the decisions of the Nobel Committee to the “essential silliness of the prize and our own foolishness at taking it seriously”[88] and noted that “eighteen (or sixteen) Swedish nationals will have a certain credibility when weighing up works of Swedish literature, but what group could ever really get its mind round the infinitely varied work of scores of different traditions. And why should we ask them to do that?”[88]

Although several Scandinavians were awarded, two of the most celebrated writers, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen and Swedish author August Strindberg were repeatedly bypassed by the committee, but Strindberg holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting.[89][90][91]

Paul Valéry was nominated twelve times between 1930 and 1945, but died just as the Academy intended to award him the prize in 1945.[92][93]

James Joyce wrote the books that rank 1st and 3rd on the Modern Library 100 Best Novels – Ulysses and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – but Joyce was never nominated for the prize. Kjell Espmark, member of the Nobel Prize committee and author of the history of the prize, claimed that Joyce’s “stature was not properly recognized even in the English-speaking world”, but that Joyce doubtless would have been awarded if he had lived in the late 1940s when the Academy began to award literary pioneers like T. S. Eliot.[94]

Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was nominated for the Prize several times but, as Edwin Williamson, Borges’s biographer, states, the Academy did not award it to him, most likely because of his support of certain Argentine and Chilean right-wing military dictators, including Augusto Pinochet, which, according to Tóibín’s review of Williamson’s Borges: A Life, had complex social and personal contexts.[95] Borges’s failure to receive the Nobel Prize for his support of these right-wing dictators contrasts with the Committee honoring writers who openly supported controversial left-wing dictatorships, including Joseph Stalin, in the cases of Sartre and Pablo Neruda.[96][97] Also controversially, Gabriel García Márquez supported Fidel Castro.[98]

Graham Greene was nominated for the prize twenty times between the years 1950 and 1966.[99] Greene was a celebrated candidate to be awarded the prize in the 1960s and 1970s, and the Academy was criticised for passing him over.[100]

According to Swedish Academy archives studied by the newspaper Le Monde on their opening in 2008, French novelist and intellectual André Malraux was seriously considered for the prize in the 1950s. Malraux was competing with Albert Camus but was rejected several times, especially in 1954 and 1955, “so long as he does not come back to novel”. Thus, Camus was awarded the prize in 1957.[101]

W. H. Auden was nominated to the Nobel Prize in Literature ten times in the 1960s[102] and was among the final candidates for the prize several times, but the Academy favoured other writers. In 1964 Auden and Jean-Paul Sartre were the leading candidates, and the Academy favoured Sartre as Auden’s best work was thought “too far back in time”. In 1967 Auden was one of three final candidates along with Graham Greene and the awarded Guatemalan author Miguel Ángel Asturias.[103][104]

Controversies about Swedish Academy board members[edit]

Membership in the 18-member committee, who select the recipients, is technically for life.[22] Members are not allowed to leave, although they might refuse to participate.[22] For members who do not participate their board seat is left vacant until they die.[105] Twelve active/participating members are required for a quorum.[105]

In 1989, three members resigned in protest after the academy refused to denounce Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for calling for the death of Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses.[22]

2018 controversy and award cancellation[edit]

In April 2018, three members of the academy board resigned in response to a sexual-misconduct investigation involving author Jean-Claude Arnault, who is married to board member Katarina Frostenson.[105] Arnault was accused by at least 18 women of sexual assault and harassment. He and his wife were also accused of leaking the names of prize recipients on at least seven occasions so friends could profit from bets.[106][105] He denied all accusations, although he was later convicted of rape and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.[107][108][109] The three members resigned in protest over the decision by Sara Danius, the board secretary, not to take what they felt was appropriate legal action against Arnault.[105][22][110] Two former permanent secretaries, Sture Allén and Horace Engdahl, called Danius a weak leader.[105]

On 10 April, Danius was asked to resign from her position by the Academy, bringing the number of empty seats to four.[111] Although the Academy voted against removing Katarina Frostenson from the committee,[112] she voluntarily agreed to withdraw from participating in the academy, bringing the total of withdrawals to five. Because two other seats were still vacant from the Rushdie affair, this left only 11 active members, one short of the quorum needed to vote in replacements. On 4 May 2018, the Swedish Academy announced that the selection would be postponed until 2019, when two laureates would be chosen. It was still technically possible to choose a 2018 laureate, as only eight active members are required to choose a recipient. However, there were concerns that the academy was not in any condition to credibly present the award.[4][5][6][113] The New Academy Prize in Literature was created as an alternative award for 2018 only.[114]

The scandal was widely seen as damaging to the credibility of the prize and its authority. “With this scandal you cannot possibly say that this group of people has any kind of solid judgment,” noted Swedish journalist Björn Wiman.[105] As noted by Andrew Brown in The Guardian in a lengthy deconstruction of the scandal:

“The scandal has elements of a tragedy, in which people who set out to serve literature and culture discovered they were only pandering to writers and the people who hang around with them. The pursuit of excellence in art was entangled with the pursuit of social prestige. The academy behaved as if the meals in its clubhouse were as much an accomplishment as the work that got people elected there.”[115]

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden said a reform of the rules may be evaluated, including the introduction of the right to resign in respect of the current lifelong membership of the committee.[116] On 5 March 2019, it was announced that the Nobel Prize in Literature would once again be awarded, and laureates for both 2018 and 2019 would be announced together. The decision came after several changes were made to the structure of the Swedish Academy as well as to the Nobel Committee members selection, in order to “[restore] trust in the Academy as a prize-awarding institution”.[117]

Similar international prizes[edit]

The Nobel Prize in Literature is not the only literary prize for which all nationalities are eligible. Other notable international literary prizes include the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, the Franz Kafka Prize, the International Booker Prize when it was previously awarded for a writer’s entire body of work, and in the 1960s the Formentor Prix International. In contrast to the other prizes mentioned, the Neustadt International Prize is awarded biennially. The journalist Hephzibah Anderson has noted that the International Booker Prize “is fast becoming the more significant award, appearing an ever more competent alternative to the Nobel”.[118] However since 2016 the International Booker Prize now awards an annual book of fiction translated into English.[119] Previous winners of the International Booker Prize who have gone on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature includes Alice Munro and Olga Tokarczuk. The Neustadt International Prize for Literature is regarded as one of the most prestigious international literary prizes, often referred to as the American equivalent to the Nobel Prize.[120][121] Like the Nobel Prize, it is awarded not for any one work, but for an entire body of work. It is frequently seen as an indicator of who may be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gabriel García Márquez (1972 Neustadt, 1982 Nobel), Czesław Miłosz (1978 Neustadt, 1980 Nobel), Octavio Paz (1982 Neustadt, 1990 Nobel), Tomas Tranströmer (1990 Neustadt, 2011 Nobel) were first awarded the Neustadt International Prize for Literature before being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Another award of note is the Spanish Princess of Asturias Award (formerly Prince of Asturias Award) in Letters. During the first years of its existence it was almost exclusively awarded to writers in the Spanish language, but in more recent times writers in other languages have been awarded as well. Writers who have won both the Asturias Award in Letters and the Nobel Prize in Literature include Camilo José CelaGünter GrassDoris Lessing and Mario Vargas Llosa.

The America Award in Literature, which does not include a monetary prize, presents itself as an alternative to the Nobel Prize in Literature. To date, Harold PinterJosé Saramago, and Peter Handke are the only writers to have received both the America Award and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

There are also prizes for honouring the lifetime achievement of writers in specific languages, like the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (for Spanish language, established in 1976) and the Camões Prize (for Portuguese language, established in 1989). Nobel laureates who were also awarded the Miguel de Cervantes Prize include Octavio Paz (1981 Cervantes, 1990 Nobel); Mario Vargas Llosa (1994 Cervantes, 2010 Nobel); and Camilo José Cela (1995 Cervantes, 1989 Nobel). José Saramago is the only author to receive both the Camões Prize (1995) and the Nobel Prize (1998) to date.

The Hans Christian Andersen Award is sometimes referred to as “the Little Nobel”. The award has earned this appellation since, in a similar manner to the Nobel Prize in Literature, it recognizes the lifetime achievement of writers, though the Andersen Award focuses on a single category of literary works (children’s literature).[122]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ “Nobel Prize amount is raised by SEK 1 million”. Nobelprize.org.
  2. ^ “The Nobel Prize in Literature”nobelprize.org. Retrieved 13 October 2007.
  3. Jump up to:a b c John Sutherland (13 October 2007). “Ink and Spit”Guardian Unlimited Books. The Guardian. Retrieved 13 October 2007.
  4. Jump up to:a b c “Nobel Prize for Literature postponed amid Swedish Academy turmoil”BBC. 4 May 2018. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  5. Jump up to:a b c Press release. “Svenska Akademien skjuter upp 2018 års Nobelpris i litteratur”Svenska AkademinSwedish Academy. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  6. Jump up to:a b Wixe, Susanne (10 April 2018). “Detta har hänt: Krisen i Svenska Akademien – på 3 minuter” [Previously: The crisis in the Swedish Academy in 3 minutes]. Aftonbladet. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  7. ^ “History – Historic Figures: Alfred Nobel (1833–1896)”. BBC. Retrieved 15 January2010.
  8. ^ “Guide to Nobel Prize”. Britannica.com. Retrieved 15 January 2010.
  9. ^ Sohlman, Ragnar (1983). The Legacy of Alfred Nobel – The Story Behind the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Foundation. p. 7.
  10. ^ von Euler, U.S. (6 June 1981). “The Nobel Foundation and its Role for Modern Day Science”Die Naturwissenschaften. Springer-Verlag. Archived from the original (PDF)on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
  11. ^ “The Will of Alfred Nobel”nobelprize.org. Retrieved 6 November 2007.
  12. ^ “The Nobel Foundation – History”. Nobelprize.org. Retrieved 12 October 2010.
  13. Jump up to:a b Levinovitz, Agneta Wallin (2001). Nils Ringertz (ed.). The Nobel Prize: The First 100 YearsImperial College Press and World Scientific Publishing. p. 13. ISBN 978-981-02-4664-8.
  14. ^ “Nobel Prize History —”. Infoplease.com. 13 October 1999. Retrieved 15 January 2010.
  15. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica. “Nobel Foundation (Scandinavian organisation) – Britannica Online Encyclopedia”. Britannica.com. Retrieved 15 January 2010.
  16. ^ AFP, “Alfred Nobel’s last will and testament” Archived 9 October 2009 at the Wayback MachineThe Local(5 October 2009): accessed 20 January 2010.
  17. ^ “Nobel Prize” (2007), in Encyclopædia Britannica, accessed 15 January 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
    After Nobel’s death, the Nobel Foundation was set up to carry out the provisions of his will and to administer his funds. In his will, he had stipulated that four different institutions—three Swedish and one Norwegian—should award the prizes. From Stockholm, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences confers the prizes for physics, chemistry, and economics, the Karolinska Institute confers the prize for physiology or medicine, and the Swedish Academy confers the prize for literature. The Norwegian Nobel Committee based in Oslo confers the prize for peace. The Nobel Foundation is the legal owner and functional administrator of the funds and serves as the joint administrative body of the prize-awarding institutions, but it is not concerned with the prize deliberations or decisions, which rest exclusively with the four institutions.
  18. Jump up to:a b c d Kjell Espmark: The Nobel Prize in Literature Nobelprize.org
  19. ^ “Nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature”nobelprize.org. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 13 October 2007.
  20. Jump up to:a b c d e f Per Wästberg (President of The Nobel Committee for Literature), “Do We Need the Nobel?”The New York Review of Books, 22 December 2011. Last accessed December 2011.
  21. ^ “Nomination and Selection of the Nobel Laureates in Literature”nobelprize.org. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 13 October 2007.
  22. Jump up to:a b c d e David Keyton (6 April 2018). “3 judges quit Nobel literature prize committee”The Washington Times. Associated Press. Retrieved 6 May 2018.
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    Each Nobel Prize consists of a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum of money, the amount of which depends on the income of the Nobel Foundation. (A sum of $1,300,000 accompanied each prize in 2005.) A Nobel Prize is either given entirely to one person, divided equally between two persons, or shared by three persons. In the latter case, each of the three persons can receive a one-third share of the prize or two together can receive a one-half share.
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  121. ^ Maori writer this year’s Neustadt International Prize winner – The Norman Transcript
  122. ^ “Hans Christian Andersen Award”. Central Connecticut State University.

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© Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

Nobel Prize facts


On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace – the Nobel Prizes. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank) established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Learn more about the Nobel Laureates here.

597 Nobel Prizes

Between 1901 and 2019, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 597 times.

Nobel PrizeNumber of PrizesNumber of LaureatesAwarded to one LaureateShared by two LaureatesShared by three Laureates
Economic Sciences518425197

In the statutes of the Nobel Foundation it says: “A prize amount may be equally divided between two works, each of which is considered to merit a prize. If a work that is being rewarded has been produced by two or three persons, the prize shall be awarded to them jointly. In no case may a prize amount be divided between more than three persons.”

950 Nobel Laureates

923 Laureates* and 27 organizations have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2019. Of them, 84 are Laureates in Economic Sciences. A small number of individuals and organizations have been honoured more than once, which means that 919 individuals and 24 unique organizations have received the Nobel Prize in total. See Multiple Nobel Laureates.

List of all Nobel Laureates
List of Nobel Prize awarded organizations

Lists of all Nobel Laureates in
Physics | Chemistry | Physiology or Medicine | Literature | Peace | Economic Sciences |

Years without Nobel Prizes

Nobel Medal (17)
The Nobel Prize Medal. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud 2018 

Since the start, in 1901, there are some years when the Nobel Prizes have not been awarded. The total number of times are 49. Most of them during World War I (1914-1918) and II (1939-1945). In the statutes of the Nobel Foundation it says: “If none of the works under consideration is found to be of the importance indicated in the first paragraph, the prize money shall be reserved until the following year. If, even then, the prize cannot be awarded, the amount shall be added to the Foundation’s restricted funds.”.

Physics: 1916, 1931, 1934, 1940, 1941, 1942

Chemistry: 1916, 1917, 1919, 1924, 1933, 1940, 1941, 1942

Medicine: 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1921, 1925, 1940, 1941, 1942

Literature:  1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943

Peace: 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1948, 1955, 1956, 1966, 1967, 1972

Economic Sciences: –

Nobel Laureates and affiliation

Here you can find out which universities, research institutions or companies Nobel Laureates were affiliated with at the time of the Nobel Prize announcement.

Only Nobel Laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Laureates in Economic Sciences are shown in the list.

Nobel Laureates listed by affiliation 1901-2017

The youngest Nobel Laureates

AgeNameCategory/YearDate of birth
17Malala YousafzaiPeace 201412 July 1997
25Lawrence BraggPhysics 191531 March 1890
25Nadia MuradPeace 20181993
31Werner HeisenbergPhysics 19325 December 1901
31Tsung-Dao LeePhysics 195724 November 1926
31Carl D. AndersonPhysics 19363 September 1905
31Paul A. M. DiracPhysics 19338 August 1902
32Frederick G. BantingMedicine 192314 November 1891
32Tawakkol KarmanPeace 20117 February 1979
32Rudolf MössbauerPhysics 196131 January 1929
32Mairead CorriganPeace 197627 January 1944
33Joshua LederbergMedicine 195823 May 1925
33Betty WilliamsPeace 197622 May 1943
33Rigoberta Menchú TumPeace 19929 January 1959
CategoryNameYear of AwardAge of Nobel Laureate
PhysicsWilliam Lawrence Bragg191525
ChemistryFrédéric Joliot193535
Physiology or MedicineFrederick Banting192332
LiteratureRudyard Kipling190741
PeaceMalala Yousafzai201417
Economic SciencesEsther Duflo201946

The oldest Nobel Laureates

AgeNameCategory/YearDate of birth
97John B. GoodenoughChemistry 20191922
96Arthur AshkinPhysics 20182 September 1922
90Leonid HurwiczEconomic Sciences 200721 August 1917
89Lloyd ShapleyEconomic Sciences 20122 June 1923
88Raymond Davis Jr.Physics 200214 October 1914
88Doris LessingLiterature 200722 October 1919
87Yoichiro NambuPhysics 200818 January 1921
87Vitaly L. GinzburgPhysics 20034 October 1916
87Peyton RousMedicine 19665 October 1879
87Joseph RotblatPeace 19954 November 1908
87Karl von FrischMedicine 197320 November 1886
85Ferdinand BuissonPeace 192720 December 1841
85John B. FennChemistry 200215 June 1917
85Theodor MommsenLiterature 190230 November 1817
85Willard S. BoylePhysics 200919 August 1929
CategoryNameYear of AwardAge of Nobel Laureate
PhysicsArthur Ashkin201896
ChemistryJohn B. Goodenough201997
Physiology or MedicinePeyton Rous196687
LiteratureDoris Lessing200788
PeaceJoseph Rotblat199587
Economic SciencesLeonid Hurwicz200790

54 Nobel Prizes to women

Between 1901 and 2019 the Nobel Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded 54 times to women.

List of all female Nobel Laureates

Svetlana Alexievich
Svetlana Alexievich. © Nobel Media AB. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud.


Two Nobel Laureates declined the prize

Jean-Paul Sartre, awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature, declined the prize because he had consistently declined all official honours.

Le Duc Tho, awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. They were awarded the Prize for negotiating the Vietnam peace accord. Le Duc Tho said that he was not in a position to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, citing the situation in Vietnam as his reason.

Forced to decline the Nobel Prize

Four Nobel Laureates have been forced by authorities to decline the Nobel Prize. Adolf Hitler forbade three German Nobel Laureates, Richard KuhnAdolf Butenandt and Gerhard Domagk, from accepting the Nobel Prize. All of them could later receive the Nobel Prize Diploma and Medal, but not the prize amount.

Boris Pasternak, the 1958 Nobel Laureate in Literature, initially accepted the Nobel Prize but was later coerced by the authorities of the Soviet Union, his native country, to decline the Nobel Prize.

Nobel Laureates under arrest at the time of the award

Three Nobel Laureates were under arrest at the time of the award of the Nobel Prize, all of them Nobel Peace Prize Laureates:

German pacifist and journalist Carl von Ossietzky
Burmese politician Aung San Suu Kyi
Chinese human rights activist Liu Xiaobo

Multiple Nobel Laureates

The work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been honoured by a Nobel Peace Prize three times. Besides, the founder of the ICRC, Henry Dunant, was awarded the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901.

Linus Pauling is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes – the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.

J. BardeenM. CurieL. Pauling
J. BardeenM. CurieL. Pauling
Physics 1956
Physics 1972
Physics 1903
Chemistry 1911
Chemistry 1954
Peace 1962
F. SangerICRC logoUNHCR logo
Chemistry 1958
Chemistry 1980
Peace 1917
Peace 1944
Peace 1963
Peace 1954
Peace 1981

Posthumous Nobel Prizes

From 1974, the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation stipulate that a Prize cannot be awarded posthumously, unless death has occurred after the announcement of the Nobel Prize. Before 1974, the Nobel Prize has only been awarded posthumously twice: to Dag Hammarskjöld (Nobel Peace Prize 1961) and Erik Axel Karlfeldt (Nobel Prize in Literature 1931).

Following the 2011 announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, it was discovered that one of the Medicine Laureates, Ralph Steinman, had passed away three days earlier. The Board of the Nobel Foundation examined the statutes, and an interpretation of the purpose of the rule above led to the conclusion that Ralph Steinman should continue to remain a Nobel Laureate, as the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet had announced the 2011 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine without knowing of his death.

“Family Nobel Laureates”

The Curies were a very successful ‘Nobel Prize family’. Marie Curie herself was awarded two Nobel Prizes.

Read more about Marie and Pierre Curie and the discovery of polonium and radium

More about Nobel Prize awarded couples

Married couples (at the time of the award) 
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Irène Joliot-Curie
Frédéric Joliot
Gerty Cori
Carl Cori
May-Britt Moser
Edvard I. Moser
Alva Myrdal
Gunnar Myrdal
Esther Duflo
Abhijit Banerjee
Mother & daughter
Marie Curie
Irène Joliot-Curie
Father & daughter
Pierre Curie
Irène Joliot-Curie
Father & son
William Bragg
Lawrence Bragg
Niels Bohr
Aage N. Bohr
Hans von Euler-Chelpin
Ulf von Euler
Arthur Kornberg
Roger D. Kornberg
Manne Siegbahn
Kai M. Siegbahn
J. J. Thomson
George Paget Thomson
Jan Tinbergen
Nikolaas Tinbergen

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies

On December 10, 1901, the Nobel Prizes were awarded for the first time in Stockholm and in Christiania (now Oslo) respectively.

The Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm took place at the Old Royal Academy of Music during the years 1901-1925. Since 1926, the ceremony has taken place at the Stockholm Concert Hall with few exceptions: 1971in the Philadelphia Church; 1972 in the St. Erik International Fair (known today as Stockholm International Fairs) in Älvsjö, 1975 in the St. Erik International Fair and in 1991 at the Stockholm Globe Arena. The King of Sweden hands over the Prize to the laureate/s.

In Norway, during the years 1901-1904 the decision on the Peace Prize was announced at a meeting of the Storting on 10 December, after which the recipients were informed in writing. During 1905-1946 the Prize Award Ceremonies were held at the Nobel Institute building, during 1947-1989 in the auditorium of the University of Oslo and since 1990 at the Oslo City Hall. The King of Norway is present, but it is the Chairman of the Nobel Committee who hands over the Prize to the laureate/s.

Ceremonies archive

AM Nobel Week 2017 0877 edited for website

The 2017 Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

The Nobel Prize insignias

At the Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies on 10 December the Nobel Laureates receive three things: a Nobel diploma, a Nobel Medal and a document confirming the Nobel Prize amount. Each Nobel diploma is a unique work of art, created by foremost Swedish and Norwegian artists and calligraphers. The Nobel Medals are handmade with careful precision and in 18 carat recycled gold.

The Nobel Medals in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are identical on the face: it shows the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833-1896). Nobel’s portrait also appears on the Nobel Peace Prize Medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economic Sciences, but with a slightly different design. The image on the reverse varies according to the institution awarding the prize.

More about the Nobel Medals

The Nobel diplomas

Each Nobel diploma is a unique work of art, created by foremost Swedish and Norwegian artists and calligraphers.

More about the Nobel diplomas

Leymah Gbowee - Nobel Diploma
Leymah Gbowee – Nobel Diploma. Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2011, Artist: Jan Trygve Fløysvik, Calligrapher: Inger Magnus, Book binder: Julius Johansen, Photo reproduction: Thomas Widerberg 


The Nobel Prize amount

Alfred Nobel left most of his estate, more than SEK 31 million (today approximately SEK 1,702 million) to be converted into a fund and invested in “safe securities.” The income from the investments was to be “distributed annually in the form of prizes to those who during the preceding year have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind.”

The Nobel Prize amount for 2019 is set at Swedish kronor (SEK) 9.0 million per full Nobel Prize.

More about the Nobel Prize amount

* Why are the individuals and organisations awarded a Nobel Prize called Nobel Laureates?

The word “Laureate” refers to being signified by the laurel wreath. In Greek mythology, the god Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head. A laurel wreath is a circular crown made of branches and leaves of the bay laurel (in Latin: Laurus nobilis). In Ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors as a sign of honour – both in athletic competitions and in poetic meets.

Links to more facts on the Nobel Prizes:
Facts on the Nobel Prize in Physics
Facts on the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Facts on the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Facts on the Nobel Prize in Literature
Facts on the Nobel Peace Prize
Facts on the Prize in Economic Sciences
Facts on all Nobel Prizes

First published 5 October 2009.

To cite this section
MLA style: Nobel Prize facts. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2020. Sun. 12 Jul 2020. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/facts/nobel-prize-facts&gt;

About the Nobel Prize organisation


Tasked with a mission to manage Alfred Nobel’s fortune and has ultimate responsibility for fulfilling the intentions of Nobel’s will.


For more than a century, these academic institutions have worked independently to select Nobel Laureates in each prize category.


Several outreach organisations and activities have been developed to inspire generations and disseminate knowledge about the Nobel Prize.



Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2020


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Published by ciencia100

My Lattes Curriculum: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5815016582806182 Deus no comando sempre! “Service to mankind, broadly or individually, is the greatest fulfillment in life” The Foundation’s Founder, Nobel Laureate, Dr. George H. Hitchings I started to do this http://www.science1984.wordpress.com in 2018 that has a very big amount of relevant information and knowledge from the world like links, images, websites, social networks, YouTube Videos, photos and texts. There is a large amount of very relevant scientific data. The sources of them are very reliable. This blog content is excellent with a very high quality and importance to the scientific community and others people. Many people around the world have visited it and liked it such as renowned professors, scientists and researchers worldwide. So, this blog sharing is very important to the world. Very important note: I don´t earn any money from this http://www.science1984.wordpress.com As you know, the world needs to have very efficient and detailed research and projects resulting in new drugs, vaccines, medical devices, therapeutic substances and other types of technologies to help people live better and longer, more and more. The diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention methods of diseases need to improve so much faster in the world, of course. Unfortunately there are unknown diseases, fatal diseases, rare diseases and other diseases. There´re a lack of total understanding of them. The graphics I did about variations of all mice weights during all experimental time are not in the article of my dissertation nor in my dissertation. The details of exercise and rest times of the animals aren´t in the article: The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract. 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. Renato Batista Paceli 1, Rodrigo Nunes Cal, Carlos Henrique Ferreira dos Santos, José Antonio Cordeiro, Cassiano Merussi Neiva, Kazuo Kawano Nagamine, Patrícia Maluf Cury – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22683274/ These graphics I did of ´´my´´ dissertation that are related to all animal ages in each group including control groups can be an excellent reference for future researches in animal testing and in human researches in the area of genetic engineering for example. These data are in my blog as well as the many direct invitations that I´ve received to participate in relevant scientific events of the world in a very little time. The age of the humans, animals and the genetics, physiology, biochemistry related to them influence directly in determined ways in human expectancy of life. -> The diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention methods of diseases need to improve so much faster in the world, of course, to people live better and longer, more and more. God protect me always! God is always in the fight against evil in society in every way! Deus me proteja sempre! Deus sempre no combate contra o mal na sociedade de todas as formas! ´´Antigamente, eu acreditava que a conversa era a chave de tudo. Mas na verdade a compreensão que é. Porque você pode falar tudo o que te incomoda, porém se o outro não entender, já era.´´ ´´I used to believe that conversation was the key to everything. But actually understanding it is. Because you can say everything that bothers you, but if the other doesn’t understand, it’s over.´´ This blog content is very good with very high quality and importance to the national and world society. So many people from different countries have already visited it and liked it, such as renowned professors, researchers and scientists worldwide. I put a lot of positive feedback on this blog. I was invited through direct messages to participate as a speaker and other forms of several scientific events of high worldwide importance in a very short time because I participated in very important research in Brazil (´´my´´ monograph and ´´my ´´ dissertation). These invitations that were made to me are also on the blog, because as many know, the transparency of a website or blog is very important for people. Unfortunately, there are fake news on websites, social networks and blogs, for example. There is a lot of information and knowledge on this blog from very reliable sources. The dissemination of these information and knowledge is always essential for the progress of the country and the world. It was a very hard work to do, however, the most important and valuable thing is the recognition of all this work done by the people who access it. My intentions and objectives has always been and always will be to improve Brazil and the world in some way and/or in different ways with this blog, depending on who accesses it and in what field they work, for example. One of the main goals of this blog is to encourage scientific research; help professionals in the field with great information and knowledge, stimulating new ideas, projects and research; encourage people to do better scientific research, with more precision and details, even if there is no statistically significant difference in the results between certain parameters, as these aren´t results only because of that, and can stimulate new ideas on the part of professors, researchers, students, scientists and other people who work in the scientific area in carrying out new scientific works with different objectives and methodologies and/or focusing more in details like graphics comparisons in certain biological factors analysing certain factors like ages of the experimental animals and/or in humans in determined experimental time. Therefore, it´s relevant to show them to the Scientific Society in posters and scientific articles published in scientific journals, even with no statistically significant difference. The transparency of the results of a scientific work is always important. There´s an article published in 2019 in the Nature that inform this very important issue, stating that Science would be more difficult but better: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00874-8 It’s time to talk about ditching statistical significance – Looking beyond a much used and abused measure would make science harder, but better. Sometimes, small details in the results of a research, totally overlooked by many and/or all of the team, can play an essential role in obtaining new Scientific Discoveries in the future. Science is closely linked to uncertainty, questions and doubts. On many occasions, in the most diverse laboratories of several countries, results appear totally unexpected by the entire team responsible for the experiment, becoming very valuable to the scientific community. Many already know that working in the scientific area is very complicated, including in financial terms, because in many cases, the Government does not encourage the person with a scholarship, for example. This blog is dedicated to Science, Technology and Innovation. As many already know, human life expectancy needs to increase a lot in a short time through more efficient research and scientific projects, resulting in new therapeutic substances, medicines, vaccines, medical devices, among others. Unfortunately, there are silent, fatal diseases and other types of diseases that have been very complicated for a long time, and that the Scientific Community cannot cure, prevent, or diagnose them too early to make a treatment and prognosis much faster and more efficient. For this and other reasons, of course, unfortunately, so many people end up dying daily in Brazil and in other countries. The scientific world urgently needs major innovations to obtain better results in scientific work, even if these works are very difficult to understand and carry out. Transparency and clarity of research results in scientific articles and scientific events is essential, as it encourages people to reflect on the subject, even though it is very difficult to understand and explain. Obviously, it is much better to show them to the Scientific Community, such as detailed graphics referring to different ages of mice in different groups of a research, being able to compare them on different parameters, taking into account that the mouse genetics is almost the same. to that of the human being related to the health- disease state. As is known, age is a very relevant factor in a person’s health-disease process, combined with other factors that are related to each other simultaneously, such as genetics, human physiology, biochemistry, existing comorbidities in the human body, among others. The world urgently needs much more efficient methods of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment in many cases, as well as medical devices, medicines, therapeutic substances, among others. With that, the human lifespan will increase significantly. It is worth mentioning that personalized medicine or precision medicine is very innovative and important, but as in many fields of Science, there are many gaps that need to be filled through much more effective research and projects. It is clear that theory does not always combine with practice, depending on the subject at hand, and the work of professionals in the area is very challenging, complex and complicated, even with great interactions between several teams from different countries, however, the benefits of such results achieved are much better and efficient. Observation: There´re people who are part of the Scientific Community who believe that in the future Human Physical Immortality can be achieved. If you can promote the blog it will be very important, of course. If everyone who accesses the blog and disseminates it, the result of these attitudes will be very significant in many aspects for national and global society. There is a lot of very important and innovative work done by others on the blog. Health and Peace to you and others always! For a better world always! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. The human expectancy of life needs to increase so much faster by more efficient researches and projects. So, the World will have very efficient drugs, therapeutic substances, medical devices and vaccines, for example. Unfortunately there are fatal diseases in our World. The methods of prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of diseases are always fundamental to the human life. In many cases, these methods need to be so much better more and more by more efficient technologies. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00874-8 • EDITORIAL • 20 March 2019 It’s time to talk about ditching statistical significance Looking beyond a much used and abused measure would make science harder, but better. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00857-9 COMMENT 20 March 2019 Scientists rise up against statistical significance Valentin Amrhein, Sander Greenland, Blake McShane and more than 800 signatories call for an end to hyped claims and the dismissal of possibly crucial effects. O conteúdo deste blog está muito bom com alta qualidade e importância p/ a sociedade nacional e mundial. Muitas pessoas de vários países já o acessaram e gostaram do mesmo, tais como renomados professores, pesquisadores e cientistas de várias partes do mundo. Coloquei muitos feedbacks positivos neste blog. Fui convidado por meio de mensagens diretas p/ participar como speaker e outras formas de vários eventos científicos de alta importância mundial em muito pouco tempo porque participei de pesquisas bem importantes no Brasil (´´minha´´ monografia e ´´minha´´ dissertação). Está no blog também estes convites que me foram feitos, pois como muitos sabem, a transparência de um site ou blog é muito importante p/ as pessoas. Infelizmente há fake news em sites, redes sociais e blogs, por exemplo. Há uma grande quantidade de informações e conhecimentos neste blog de fontes muito confiáveis. A difusão destas informações e conhecimentos sempre é essencial p/ o progresso do país e do mundo. Foi um trabalho muito árduo de fazê-lo, porém, o mais importante e valioso, é o reconhecimento de todo este trabalho feito pelas pessoas que o acessam. Minhas intenções e objetivos sempre foram e sempre serão de melhorar o Brasil e o mundo de alguma forma e/ou de várias formas com este blog, dependendo de quem o acessa e em que ramo trabalha, por exemplo. Um dos grandes objetivos deste blog é incentivar a realização da pesquisa científica; ajudar profissionais do ramo com ótimas informações e conhecimentos, estimulando novas ideias, projetos e pesquisas; incentivar as pessoas a fazerem uma melhor pesquisa científica, com mais precisão e detalhes, mesmo não havendo nos resultados uma diferença estatística significativa entre certos parâmetros, pois estes não deixam de ser resultados importantes apenas por isso, podendo estimular novas ideias por parte de professores, pesquisadores, alunos, cientistas e demais pessoas que atuam na área científica na realização de novos trabalhos científicos com objetivos e metodologias diferentes e/ou focando mais em detalhes como comparações gráficas em determinados fatores biológicos, analisando certos fatores, como idades dos animais experimentais e/ou em humanos durante um tempo experimental. Por isso, é relevante mostrá-los para a Sociedade Científica em pôsteres e artigos científicos publicados em revistas científicas, mesmo não havendo diferença estatística significativa. É sempre importante a transparência dos resultados de um trabalho científico. Há um artigo publicado na Revista Nature que aborda este assunto bem relevante, informando que a Ciência ficaria mais difícil porém melhor: It’s time to talk about ditching statistical significance – Looking beyond a much used and abused measure would make science harder, but better. Às vezes, pequenos detalhes nos resultados de uma pesquisa, menosprezados totalmente por muitos e/ou por todos da equipe, pode ter um papel essencial na obtenção de novas Descobertas Científicas futuramente. A Ciência está muito ligada à incerteza, questionamentos e dúvidas. Em muitas ocasiões, nos mais diversos laboratórios de vários países, surgem resultados totalmente inesperados por toda a equipe responsável do experimento, tornando-se muito valiosos pra comunidade científica. Muitos já sabem que trabalhar na área científica é bem complicado, incluindo em termos financeiros, pois em muitos casos, o Governo não estimula a pessoa com uma bolsa de estudos, por exemplo. Este blog está voltado à Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação. Como muitos já sabem, a expectativa de vida humana precisa aumentar muito em pouco tempo por meio de pesquisas e projetos científicos mais eficientes, resultando em novas substâncias terapêuticas, medicamentos, vacinas, aparelhos médicos, entre outros. Infelizmente há as doenças silenciosas, fatais e outros tipos de doenças muito complicadas desde muito tempo, e que a Comunidade Científica não consegue curá-las, prevení-las, diagnosticá-las muito precocemente para fazer um tratamento e prognóstico muito mais rápido e eficiente. Por isso e por outros motivos, é claro, infelizmente, muitas e muitas pessoas acabam falecendo diariamente no Brasil e nos demais países. O mundo científico precisa urgentemente de grandes inovações p/ a obtenção de melhores resultados nos trabalhos científicos, mesmo que estes trabalhos sejam muito difíceis de serem compreendidos e realizados. É fundamental a transparência e clareza dos resultados das pesquisas em artigos científicos e eventos científicos, pois estimula as pessoas a refletirem sobre o assunto, mesmo sendo muito difícil de ser entendido e explicado. Obviamente, é bem melhor mostrá-los p/ a Comunidade Científica, tais como gráficos detalhistas referentes à diferentes idades de camundongos em grupos distintos de uma pesquisa, podendo compará-los sobre diferentes parâmetros, levando em consideração que a genética do camundongo é quase igual à do humano estando relacionado ao estado de saúde-doença. Como é sabido, a idade é um fator muito relevante no processo de saúde- doença de uma pessoa, aliada à outros fatores que se relacionam entre si simultaneamente, como a genética, fisiologia humana, bioquímica, comorbidades existentes no corpo humano, entre outros. O mundo precisa urgentemente de métodos de diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento muito mais eficientes em vários casos, assim como de aparelhos médicos, medicamentos, substâncias terapêuticas, e outros. Com isso, o tempo de vida humano aumentará significativamente. Vale ressaltar que a medicina personalizada ou medicina de precisão é muito importante e inovadora, mas, assim como em vários campos da Ciência, há muitas lacunas que precisam ser preenchidas por meio de pesquisas e projetos bem mais eficazes. É claro que a teoria nem sempre se alia à prática, dependendo do assunto de que se trata, o trabalho dos profissionais da área científica é muito desafiador, complexo e complicado, mesmo havendo grandes interações entre várias equipes de vários países, porém, os benefícios de tais resultados alcançados são muito melhores e eficientes. Observação: Há pessoas que fazem parte da Comunidade Científica que acreditam que no futuro a Imortalidade Física Humana poderá ser atingida. Se você puder divulgar o blog será muito importante, sem sombras de dúvidas. Se cada um que acessar o blog e divulgar o mesmo, o resultado destas atitudes será muito significativo em vários aspectos p/ a sociedade nacional e mundial. Há uma grande quantidade de trabalhos muito importantes e inovadores feitos por outras pessoas no blog. Saúde e Paz pra você e p/ as demais pessoas sempre! Por um mundo sempre melhor!! A expectativa de vida humana precisa aumentar muito mais rápido por meio de pesquisas e projetos mais eficientes. Assim, o mundo terá medicamentos, substâncias terapêuticas, dispositivos médicos e vacinas muito mais eficientes, por exemplo. Infelizmente existem asdoenças fatais em nosso mundo. Os métodos de prevenção, diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento de doenças são sempre fundamentais para a vida humana. Em muitos casos, esses métodos precisam ser cada vez melhores por tecnologias mais eficientes. – Compartilhar informações interessantes e importantes é um ato bem importante porque ajuda na difusão das mesmas no mundo. É claro, tem que ser verdadeiras e não fake news. – Sharing interesting and important information is a very important act because it helps in the diffusion of them in the world. Of course, it has to be true and not fake news. #sincerity #sinceridade #probabilities #probabilidades #website #site #link #Internet #socialnetworks #videos #photos #images #technologies #reasons #motivos #content #conteúdo #people #pessoas #person #pessoa #intentions #intenções #crimes #improvement #melhoria #memory #message #mensagem #chat #name #nick #nicks #time #tempo #economy #economia #tempo #dinheiro #money #price #preço #levelofimportance #níveldeimportância #numberofpeople #númerodepessoas #mente #mind #velocity #velocidade #patrocinadores #sponsors #law #direito #respect #respeito #vida #life #saúde #health #actions #ações #investigations #investigações #estímulo #motivation #otherperson #otherpeople #outrapessoa #outraspessoas #wikipedia #forbes #exame #países #história #history #money #dinheiro #qualidadedochat #qualidadedosite #níveldeimportânciadochat #levelofimportanceofchat #futureconsequencestosociety #futurasconsequenciasprasociedade #nome #pessoa #name #person ##team #equipe #family #família #amigo #amigos #friend #friends #diferentestiposdepessoas #differenttypesofpeople #Longevity #longevidade #memories #memórias #fala #speak #escrita #writing #typing #digitação #worldhistory #históriadomundo #país #country #countries #países #sitemuitoconhecido #manypeopleknowthiswwebsite #email #emails #mensagens #messages #leitura #reading #probabilidades #probabilities #intentions #goals #idade #idades #age #ages #questions #affirmations #pergunta #futureimaginations #imaginaçõesfuturas #imaginações #imaginations #perguntas #assunto #subject #cidade #city #afirmações #objetivos #trabalho #work #site #chat #lackofrespecttome #futuro #future #faltaderespeitocomigo #amizades #supposition #fato #fact #suposição #futuraamizade #futurefriendship #futurefriendships #lackofrespect #futurosencontros #futuroencontro #futuremeeting #futuremeetings #statistics #estatísticas #website #Brazil #ranking #world #mundo #USA #EUA #OtherCountries #USAAuthorities #mudançadeatitudes #changeofattitudes #opinions #opinioes #mudancadeopinioes #changeofopinions #USAPolice #BetterWebsite #BetterChat #mentalhealthofotherpeople #saúdementaldeoutraspessoas #faltaderespeito #humanlongevity #longevidadehumana #pensamentodeoutrapessoa #conselho #advice #links #pensamentosdeoutraspessoas #thinkingofotherperson #thoughtsofotherperson #thoughtsofotherpeople #leitordemente #mindreading #muitodesrespeito #faladeoutrapessoa #otherpersonspeaking #faladeoutraspessoas #speakingofotherpeople #InternetPionners #vídeosdainternettotalmenteinapropriados #totallyinappropriateinternetvideos #description #descrição #induçãodeacoeserradas #inductionsofwrongactions #leiturademeail #emailreading #analysis #análise #pioneiros #contributions #InternetSociety #InternetAuthorities ##contribuições #sociedade #society #betterworld #mundomelhor #differenttechnologies #diferentestecnologias 

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