– Messages I received in 2019 from Professor Dr. Domingo Marcolino Braile (he passed away in 2020) by LinkedIn about this blog, more specifically about ´´my´´ dissertation, for example, the detailed graphics I made about the variations in all weights of all mice of different ages in all Groups: Control Group, Group 1 and Group 2. Without a doubt, it was a very innovative and important research for the world scientific community. It was made at Faculty of Medicine of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil @ Very important document (biograph), images and links about him and other links and images like my dissertation and monograph @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Internet @ VIRTUAL WORLD # MUNDO VIRTUAL # MUNDO REAL # REAL WORLD # DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS AND TIMES # DIFERENTES PERCEPÇÕES E TEMPOS # LER – VER – OUVIR – FALAR – ESCREVER – REDIGIR # READ – LISTEN – SPEAK – WRITE – TYPE – SEE # DIFERENTES REALIDADES E SIGNIFICADOS # DIFFERENT REALITIES AND MEANS @ OTHER VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION OF THE WORLD LIKE WEBSITES, SOCIAL NETWORKS, LINKS AND IMAGES

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´´The world people need to have very efficient researches and projects resulting in very innovative drugs, vaccines, therapeutical substances, medical devices and other technologies according to the age, the genetics and medical records of the person. So, the treatment, disgnosis and prognosis will be very efficient and better, of course´´. Rodrigo Nunes Cal


Mestrado – Dissertation – Tabelas, Figuras e Gráficos – Tables, Figures and Graphics






Slides – mestrado


Avaliação da influência da atividade física aeróbia e anaeróbia na progressão do câncer de pulmão experimental – Summary – Resumo

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Domingo Braile – trajetória do médico que revolucionou a cirurgia cardíaca vira livro

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About me / Sobre mim – Rodrigo Nunes Cal

I´m graduated in Biomedicine at Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Uberaba – 2003-2007), I have a Master´s degree in lung cancer research in mice at Faculty of Medicine of Sao Jose do Rio Preto (2008-2012). Nowadays I work as inspector of students since 2012 in Sao Jose do Rio Preto. Maybe I can do a doctorate and PhD to work as professor, scientist and researcher abroad or in Brazil.
The human longevity needs to increase so much faster. More people needs to know about my blog. So, it is very important you visit and share my blog!
– Link about my monograph: Chagas Disease research in laboratory at Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro -> Induction of benzonidazole resistance in human isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi https://science1984.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/my-monography-chagas-disease-research-in-laboratory-2/


 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2012.04.006. Epub 2012 Jun 8.

The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice.


Lung cancer is one of the most incident neoplasms in the world, representing the main cause of mortality for cancer. Many epidemiologic studies have suggested that physical activity may reduce the risk of lung cancer, other works evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the physical activity in the suppression, remission and reduction of the recurrence of tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic and anaerobic physical activity in the development and the progression of lung cancer. Lung tumors were induced with a dose of 3mg of urethane/kg, in 67 male Balb – C type mice, divided in three groups: group 1_24 mice treated with urethane and without physical activity; group 2_25 mice with urethane and subjected to aerobic swimming free exercise; group 3_18 mice with urethane, subjected to anaerobic swimming exercise with gradual loading 5-20% of body weight. All the animals were sacrificed after 20 weeks, and lung lesions were analyzed. The median number of lesions (nodules and hyperplasia) was 3.0 for group 1, 2.0 for group 2 and 1.5-3 (p=0.052). When comparing only the presence or absence of lesion, there was a decrease in the number of lesions in group 3 as compared with group 1 (p=0.03) but not in relation to group 2. There were no metastases or other changes in other organs. The anaerobic physical activity, but not aerobic, diminishes the incidence of experimental lung tumors.

– Article of my dissertation: The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract. 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. The research was made at Faculty of Medicine of Sao Jose do Rio Preto.
I was invited by direct message through Internet to participate in 77 very important events in 32 cities of different countries in a little time (Hong Kong, Auckland, Melbourne, Toronto, Edinburgh, Madrid, Suzhou, Stanbul, Miami, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi, San Diego, Bangkok, Dublin, Sao Paulo, Dubai, Boston, Berlin, Stockholm, Prague, Valencia, Osaka, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Paris, Tokyo, Vienna, Rome, Zurich, London and Frankfurt) because I participated of very innovative and important researches.
Science events and researches are fundamental for the world progress in all aspects! Informations about it are in this blog.
It´s fundamental inform you the researches I participated. There are many laboratories that used mice to study pathologies and received many types of financial investments. Many people won great prizes because used mice in their researches.
My blog goal is help any one in anyway who visited it. The blog content is very good with high quality. There are many important informations! I elaborated it in 2018. There are 118 followers, 10,0 thousand comments approved and 912 posts typed by me. Many people from different countries have visited it.
I hope in some way with my blog http://www.science1984.wordpress.com to help significantly in the socio-economic and technical-scientific development of the countries. Note: I do not earn money with my blog, YouTube Channel and Social Networkings, for example. I never earned money with blogs I did. The human quality of life needs to improve to people live longer.
Gratitude: I was invited direclty throught direct messages to participate in 55 very important science events in 25 cities of different countries in less than 1 year. Informations about it are in my blog.
Science events and researches are essential for the world progress in all aspects. The human life expectancy needs to increase urgently in a short time through more efficient scientific researches of high quality and precision for example. The world is interdependent. Unfortunately there are fatal diseases without cure or total prevention methods like vacination. Therefore, new scientific discoveries are very necessary for human life.
Brazil and other countries need to have excellent ideas to human life span increases a lot in a short time.
E-mails Acoounts: rodrigonunescal@yahoo.com rodrigoncal1984@gmail.com
Twitter: @CalZole
Instagram accounts: @calrodrigonunes @rodrigoncal84

It´s very important professors, scientists, students, researchers and other people worldwide know about my dissertation made at Faculty of Medicine of Sao Jose do Rio Preto because it was a very innovative and important research as well as my monograph (Chagas Disease research in laboratory at Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro -> Induction of benzonidazole resistance in human isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi).

The data like graphics I made about variations of weights in all mice of different ages (Control Group -> treated with urethane and without physical activity and Study Group – Aerobic Group -> treated with urethane and subjected to aerobic swimming free exercise – Anaerobic Group –> treated with urethane and subjected to anaerobic swimming exercise with gradual loading 5-20% of body weight) during all experimental time [My dissertation -> Lung cancer research in mice – Article: The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice – Pathol Res Pract. 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81] are essential for the world scientific community.

These graphics I did related to my dissertation aren´t in the article nor in my dissertation as well as details about time of exercise and rest of the animals. They can be an excellent reference for many types of researches like in the field of genetic engineering! So, many people worldwide need to know about it to visit and share this link as soon as possible because unfortunately there are very dangerous and fatal diseases without cure or total prevention methods like vacination. Therefore, new scientific discoveries are very necessary for human life urgently!


Science events and researches are essential for the world progress in all aspects. So, this video (about me, gratitude, researches, invitations for me to participate in many very important events, internet, time, countries and blog) and blog sharing is fundamental for world people. The human life expectancy needs to increase urgently in a short time through more efficient scientific researches of high quality and precision for example. The age of the human, of the animal and the genetics influence in certain ways in the physiology and in other aspects. More informations about it are in this link: https://science1984.wordpress.com/2018/07/15/i-did-very-important-detailed-and-innovative-graphics-about-variations-of-all-mice-weigths-during-all-exerimental-time-my-dissertation-they-can-be-an-excelent-reference-for-future-researches-like-2/


The age of the mouse and the human being with the genetics influence in certain ways in pathophysiology in the humans and mice. So, mice researches are very important for the society as well as researches with humans.
Very important observations:
1. Cancer is very related to the weight loss of the patient. Weight loss of the patient is very associated with cancer – The syndrome of Anorexia-Cachexia (SAC) is a frequent complication in patients with advanced malignant neoplasia.
2. Age, weight and genetics of the person are very important factors that influence cancer in a determined ways.
3. The genetics of the mouse is very similar to that of the human.
4. Maintaining proper body weight is one of the main ways to prevent cancer of a person.
5. Animal testing has a very high importance to world society.
6. The mouse is the main animal model used as the basis for research on diseases that affect humans.
7. Weight lifting (bodybuilder) is a very good example of anaerobic physical activity in humans.
In my dissertation the progression of lung cancer was lower in the group of mice that practiced anaerobic physical activity. Weight lifting is an anaerobic physical activity in humans. It would be very important, innovative and interesting to do research in mice and humans testing a substance or substances and analyzing biochemical, pathological, pharmacological and physiological factors like weights in all experimental time (weight loss of the patient is very associated with cancer) and the influence of age and genetics within the group itself and in the other groups in the inhibition and progression of cancer testing a substance, for example. In this context, it is very important to seek new methodologies for the treatment, prevention and early detection of cancer and other diseases, such as vaccines and other very modern and efficient technologies.
Note about ´´my´´ dissertartion: during anaerobic exercise it was necessary to briefly hold the tail of the mice for better physical performance and better adaptation to the submitted environment. In this same type of exercise, there were times when the mice could not exercise and sank, causing manual manipulation again. The physical wear of the animals was intense.
It is very important to consider the significance of variants of weight, age and genetics em relation to cancer. It is not easy understand it. Therefore, more researches about it are very necessary in the world. This issue is very important for human health.
I hope that researchers, teachers, students, scientists and other people linked to scientific researches worldwide use the graphics I made about the variations of all mice weights during all experimental time of my dissertation as an example, model or reference for conducting scientific researches as well as other data from my monograph and dissertation, leading to a very beneficial innovation in the methodology bringing very important and relevant results to the world society, significantly increasing the human life time more and more.
I hope collaborate significantly with these informations in the world scientific progress always.
Many laboratories have been researching mice for a long time, even resulting in prizes for researchers such as the Nobel Prize. For example, the Jackson Laboratory in he United States of America.
The world needs to have more very good and efficient ideas and scientific discoveries for human live longer faster more and more. This issue are very relevant to the world, of course. 
Visit, watch and share it if possible! This issue has high importance for world society, of course.
Many people think they have made mistakes but in fact they have not made mistakes. Many people think they did the right thing but they did not. The important thing is to reflect on this in order to better know the origin of your thoughts and your thoughts, acting accordingly in the best way for the good of you and other people.
Muitos acham que erraram mas na verdade não erraram. Muitos acham que acertaram mas não acertaram. O importante é refletir sobre isso para conhecer melhor a origem de seus pensamentos e seus pensamentos em si, agindo consequentemente da melhor forma para o bem de si e da(s) outra(s) pessoa(s).
Thank you for your attention!
Thank you in advance!
Have a very good day!
Good luck in your life!
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Domingo Braile – trajetória do médico que revolucionou a cirurgia cardíaca vira livro

Intitulada A céu aberto, obra foi escrita pela jornalista Elma Eneida Bassan Mendes e será lançada dia 22 de novembro

A virtuosidade da trajetória de Domingo Braile, médico, pesquisador e inventor responsável pela fundação da Braile Biomédica, associada à ABIMO que há 42 anos atua no ramo de fabricação de materiais para cirurgias cardiovasculares, ganha novas proporções com o lançamento do livro A céu aberto – a história de Domingo Braile, o consertador de corações.

Escrito pela jornalista Elma Eneida Bassan Mendes, o livro traz um amplo relato sobre o profissional, abordando, desde 1800, a história da família e de seus antepassados na Itália.

“Sempre quisemos realizar esse sonho de escrever a história deste pioneiro que é meu pai”, comenta Patrícia Braile, que preside a empresa e é membro do Conselho Suplente da ABIMO. Para ela, é emocionante ver todo esse caminho de sucesso descrito em um livro. “A vida de Domingo Braile está ligada aos primórdios da cirurgia cardíaca no mundo, pois falamos de algo que teve início na década de 1950”, pontua.

O livro também relata como o trabalho do Dr. Braile ampliou e propiciou o acesso a tratamentos cardiovasculares pelo Brasil. “Só existia cirurgia cardíaca em São Paulo e era o início do procedimento no Rio de Janeiro. Foi Dr. Braile quem levou a possibilidade de o interior do país também oferecer esses procedimentos”, explica Patrícia.

“Quando lemos a biografia de Domingo Braile, vemos que a vida realmente é repleta de desafios e que, a cada dia, construímos um pedacinho dela. Muita coisa não dá certo, mas com fé em Deus, muito trabalho e uma família unida podemos construir uma jornada repleta de propósito”, diz Patrícia.

Responsável pela redação da obra, a jornalista Elma Eneida Bassan Mendes acompanhou de perto toda a história do cirurgião e de sua empresa. “Elma trabalhou a vida toda ao nosso lado, está conosco nessa jornada há 35 anos. Assim, foi capaz de captar toda a história e a transmitiu com uma sensibilidade genuína”, finaliza Patrícia.

Lançamento, inovação e incentivo à pesquisa – Mostrando toda a dedicação do médico em promover os tratamentos e inovar, a obra será lançada no dia 22 de novembro, a partir das 19h30, no Quinta do Golfe Clube – Varanda, em São José do Rio Preto (SP).

Toda a renda obtida pela venda dos exemplares será revertida para investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área cardiovascular, o que reflete, novamente, a dedicação da família Braile a inovação e melhorias do cenário da saúde no mundo. Um dos diferenciais da publicação também está atrelado à inovação. O livro trará seis vídeos com tecnologia de realidade aumentada.




Veja também

Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto


#Obrigado, Dr. Braile
  • tamanho da fonte + 
22 Março 2020

“Um grande profissional, de um conhecimento fantástico, pioneiro na cirurgia cardíaca e que colaborou muito para o crescimento da Famerp e aprendizado de seus alunos e residentes. Dr. Braile deixa um legado como professor, pesquisador e como médico responsável por salvar milhares de vidas por meio da cirurgia cardíaca. É um dia muito triste para a medicina e para a Famerp”.

Foi com essas palavras que o diretor geral da Famerp, Dr. Dulcimar Donizeti de Souza, agradeceu a importante participação de Dr. Domingo Marcolino Braile na história da Faculdade de Medicina de Rio Preto – Famerp.

Dr. Braile morreu na manhã deste domingo, dia 22 de março, após lutar contra uma série de pneumonias.

Conhecido por ser o pioneiro na cirurgia cardíaca no interior de São Paulo, Dr. Braile foi cofundador da Famerp, em 1968, quando a instituição ainda se chamava Faculdade Regional de Medicina de Rio Preto (Farme), depois Fresa, até ser estadualizada em 1994 e chegar ao nome atual, o que gerou também uma mudança no perfil da faculdade, tanto do ponto de vista econômico, como estrutural.

Atuando em diversos cargos de direção na Famerp, Dr. Braile acompanhou de perto todas essas evoluções, sempre pensando no futuro da instituição e na melhoria do curso de medicina, tanto que um ano antes da estadualização foi o responsável pela implantação do Centro de Cirurgia Cardíaca da Famerp.

Outra contribuição de Dr. Braile para a faculdade foi na área de pós-graduação. Como pró-reitor da pós-graduação e um dos maiores apoiadores para que a cidade tivesse bons cursos de pós-graduação, foi um dos responsáveis pela criação da pós-graduação stricto sensu da Famerp.

Responsável pela formação de inúmeros mestres e doutores, Dr. Braile também era atuante nos laboratórios, considerado um dos pilares do desenvolvimento de pesquisas na
Famerp. Por tanta dedicação ao desenvolvimento da instituição, Dr. Braile se tornou professor emérito da Famerp em 2009.

“Com toda certeza ele foi um dos profissionais que mais colaboraram para que a Famerp se tornasse uma das faculdades de medicina mais importantes do Brasil. Dr. Braile sempre se preocupou com a qualidade da medicina e com a excelência do ensino aos novos alunos”, disse o diretor geral da Famerp.

A Famerp se solidariza com a família do Dr. Domingo Braile e agradece por todo o trabalho de uma vida dedicada a salvar pessoas e a formar novos médicos.

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End: Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, – 5416 – Vila São Pedro
CEP: 15090-000 Cidade: São José do Rio Preto – SP
Fone: (17) 3201-5700 – Fax: (17) 3229-1777


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 2012 Jul 15;208(7):377-81. doi: 10.1016/j.prp.2012.04.006. Epub 2012 Jun 8.

The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice.


Lung cancer is one of the most incident neoplasms in the world, representing the main cause of mortality for cancer. Many epidemiologic studies have suggested that physical activity may reduce the risk of lung cancer, other works evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the physical activity in the suppression, remission and reduction of the recurrence of tumors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic and anaerobic physical activity in the development and the progression of lung cancer. Lung tumors were induced with a dose of 3mg of urethane/kg, in 67 male Balb – C type mice, divided in three groups: group 1_24 mice treated with urethane and without physical activity; group 2_25 mice with urethane and subjected to aerobic swimming free exercise; group 3_18 mice with urethane, subjected to anaerobic swimming exercise with gradual loading 5-20% of body weight. All the animals were sacrificed after 20 weeks, and lung lesions were analyzed. The median number of lesions (nodules and hyperplasia) was 3.0 for group 1, 2.0 for group 2 and 1.5-3 (p=0.052). When comparing only the presence or absence of lesion, there was a decrease in the number of lesions in group 3 as compared with group 1 (p=0.03) but not in relation to group 2. There were no metastases or other changes in other organs. The anaerobic physical activity, but not aerobic, diminishes the incidence of experimental lung tumors.

[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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  1. Summary
  2. Keywords
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and methods
  5. Results
  6. Discussion
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. References

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Figures (3)

  1. Figure 1. Load progression in the mice
  2. Figure 2. According to Bonferroni test and Bloxplots with sign confidence intervals,…
  3. Figure 3. (a) Macroscopic view of the lungs and heart

Tables (1)

  1. Table 1
Original article

The influence of physical activity in the progression of experimental lung cancer in mice


Lung cancer is one of the most incident neoplasms in the world, representing the main cause of mortality for cancer. Many epidemiologic studies have suggested that physical activity may reduce the risk of lung cancer, other works evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the physical activity in the suppression, remission and reduction of the recurrence of tumors.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic and anaerobic physical activity in the development and the progression of lung cancer.

Lung tumors were induced with a dose of 3 mg of urethane/kg, in 67 male Balb – C type mice, divided in three groups: group 1_24 mice treated with urethane and without physical activity; group 2_25 mice with urethane and subjected to aerobic swimming free exercise; group 3_18 mice with urethane, subjected to anaerobic swimming exercise with gradual loading 5–20% of body weight. All the animals were sacrificed after 20 weeks, and lung lesions were analyzed.

The median number of lesions (nodules and hyperplasia) was 3.0 for group 1, 2.0 for group 2 and 1.5–3 (p = 0.052). When comparing only the presence or absence of lesion, there was a decrease in the number of lesions in group 3 as compared with group 1 (p = 0.03) but not in relation to group 2. There were no metastases or other changes in other organs.

The anaerobic physical activity, but not aerobic, diminishes the incidence of experimental lung tumors.


Physical activity
Experimental lung cancer
Aerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise

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